• 7 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023

  • “Today we’ll learn about the Picts”. I went to school in Iceland, they taught us a lot of Icelandic history and only allocated one week to 600 years of legalised slavery.

    People were not property in Iceland, but, if you didn’t have enough land to support something like 3 cows you were forced to go into service of a farmer for a year. During that year you could leave and die, go to another farm and hope they have food for you or die or swap and get beaten up for not working all waking hours and only maybe die.

    The church backed the people up when Iceland was Catholic but with protestantism land was transferred to Denmark and then leased to the farm-archy (agrarchy?).

    Iceland was poorer than Romania 120 years ago because fishing villages were illegal. All fishing was property of the farmer that was the current master of the person. They also made law that banned people from getting married without permission of the farmer and supposedly there was a lot of gay sex back then.

    I found out about this when I was 30 lol.

  • To expand on that it was during the enlightenment in the early renaissance where people had a boner over the Roman Empire but still thought the medieval Roman Empire (Byzantine) to not be cool. So they came up with a new name for it. A declining empire that had a massive beauracracy, spoke Greek and had the wrong brand of Christianity (Orthodox) is not nice enough to create a glorious image like the Pax Romana did.

    This of course made a lot of people upset in the then Ottoman empire since they identified as Romans but were not counted as Romans according to western people. Think “You’re not Romans with a glorious history, you’re Byzantines” even though they clearly were.

    For extra fun the Byzantine/Roman distinction is also unfair.

    • Eastern Rome always spoke Greek, even at 200AD.
    • Orthodox and Catholic were the same pre-schism.
    • During the decline of the Western Empire the capital was moving a lot anyway so “based in Rome” was soon outdated.
    • During the decline Italy was just another province anyway so “based in Italy” was soon outdated.
    • They were literally the same thing except one half managed to fuck their shit up while getting invaded by hordes of tribes at the same time.

    • Massive potential
    • Nationalistic
    • Somewhat racist
    • Unfair caste system
    • Not enough bathrooms
    • Poverty and hunger
    • Extremely rich people
    • Excellent food
    • Food poisoning
    • Nice people
    • Misogynistic
    • Rich history
    • Modi vs INDIA election
    • Smart pivot to service sector
    • Tata steel
    • Lots of languages
    • Diverse nature

    Going to be a superpower soon if they manage to create a robust middle class and get some nice institutions up and running. India is doing good but it’s hard to manage a country on that scale without being, like, China.

  • Yeeeah, it’s not going to be environmentally friendly, probably the opposite. In the lab grown meat discussions people seem to forget how incredibly efficient cows are at converting biomass to muscle.

    For lab grown meat you’d need a circulation system that can reach all parts of the meat and provide it with enough nutrients, proteins, supplements and all that while also removing by-products such as ammonia that result from chemical processes in the cells.

    So you’ll end up needing a circulation system, immune system, bones for the meat to not get crushed by it’s own weight ideally, recycling system like the liver and logistical system to back everything up, and that’s assuming the whole process will be energy efficient.

    Adding a brain to it makes essentially gives you all parts of a cow except the cow can largely produce the meat without any oversight and will do all the nutrient differential equations automatically.

    We’re still decades away from being able to scale this up while being within the same order of magnitude in cost. It’s far easier to do a decade of chemistry and biology on textured soy meat to perfectly replicate the flavor, texture and nutrient profile of cow meat. This shouldn’t come as a shock since plants are more efficient than animals in creating protein.

    I’m personally hoping for genetically modified soy beans that have good amount of the amino acid leucine which is lacking in most plant protein.

    Sidenote: We are close to fixing the methane emissions of cows by feeding them a supplement mixed with the feed.

  • Well, investing is technically always a gamble including buying assets like a house or gold. A better question would be “When does gambling become investing” and in my opinion that’s when the expected return is positive.

    Expected return for most crypto is negative, some are positive but they’re always a gamble.

    MIT team took an approach that has guaranteed success if played enough times by using math. It’s not gambling, just playing a game.

    Stock markets are always a gamble and investment, but buying index fund stock is less of a gamble than selecting individual stock because it’s less risk.

    Another question to ask is “when does a gamble stop being a gamble?” and that’s broadly when the potential downside is very unlikely. Think buying treasury bonds, housing after housing crash, stocks after stock crash etc.

    People also have very different views on “What is very unlikely to go down” so depending on who you ask stock, crypto and real estate can all be both gamble and not depending on which person is looking at it.