Furry (feral dhole), he/him, feet/(hind)paw worshipper, car appreciator, mechanical watch wearer, cloud engineer, thinkpad/pop!os!!/i3wm user, occasional synth/guitar/handpan player, car/track enthusiast

Avatar and banner artist: Heatherwolf

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Noxy@yiffit.nettoLinus Tech TipsMadison on why she quit
    10 months ago

    That’s not a fair assessment at all. Not at face value, and especially not with deeper scrutiny.

    It’s not about him. It’s about the employees. If the employees have reasonable and actionable grievances and demands, Linus does not get to preempt any of it by making it about his personal failings.

    It’s also a negative public statement made by the owner of the company. No matter how cautiously worded or carefully framed, he’s still ultimately putting out there that there is consequence to his employees unionizing. Even if it’s nothing more than hurting his feelings, that’s still manipulative.

  • It’s a useful tool to give a quick guideline on how consent works; if something passes the harkness test, it’s a good sign that there won’t be moral issues with having (hypothetical) sex acts with them.

    I disagree. It’s a useless tool for accomplishing a useless goal - to give a moral green light to fictional depictions of hypothetical sex acts with fictional characters.

    Agreed. Although it still makes me feel greatly unconfortable.

    That’s fine as long as you don’t push others to an unreasonable degree.

    No, anthros (and ferals) have the ability to give consent. Anthros also generally appear very human like, and so there is the implicit understanding that they have human-like society and language.

    I didn’t ask about consent, I asked if you think human/anthro approaches bestiality as human/feral does. Leave the topic of consent out of it.

  • I understand the Harkness test, and that they can talk and consent and all that, but it feels a little too close to bestiality for my taste

    1. the Harkness test is some arbitrary made-up shit from Doctor Who. I don’t understand why anyone thinks it’s worth a damn.
    2. Fictional content should not be subjected to ANY morality test in the first place. Drawings can’t hurt anyone.
    3. Do you think that furry porn featuring humans and anthro furries is also close to bestiality?

    So a question to feral furry peeps, if you don’t mind me asking, where do you draw the line between “feral” and “animal”?

    I don’t draw such a line in the first place. Humans are animals. Nonhuman animals are animals. Anthropomorphization of nonhuman animals to give them traits of human animals is still just animals all the way down.