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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • So in her defense (and another aspect of why she didn’t murder me I’m sure.) Is that she’d forgotten entirely that she even wore that sweater. Apparently it always sits on the edge of her hamper so she visually sees it and removes it to her special wash bag for extremely fancy clothes. But she’d left town in a bit of a hurry for family matters and I’d even volunteered to do laundry. I didn’t realize that sweater was extra special on my own.

    That “on the side of the hamper” method is what I use for my extremely delicate stuff now, and so far I haven’t shrunk anything. yet

  • I didn’t break something expensive in terms of dollar amount, but my Mom knits. In high school she asked me to do the laundry for her while she was out of town. I knew sweaters went in the delicate cycle, but what I DIDN’T know is even the delicate cycle was too much for her very nice, hand knit, cashmere sweater that fit her perfectly.

    It came out felted and 2 sizes smaller. And I felt HORRIBLE then. Now, I’m all grown up and I’ve learned how to knit myself. Now I think back on that and marvel that I’m still alive and she didn’t come home and just bury me in the backyard. That’s how I know she loves me. <3

  • I like to tell my Republican father we’d both be classified legally blind and on the welfare he hates so much if optometry wasn’t around. Helps put it in perspective for him how some people just “lose” the life lotto and need help to live in the same world as able-bodied folks.

  • More LGBT+ relationships that aren’t the entire fucking plot of the movie. I wish relationships would develop around the plot narrative like we see heteronormative romances portrayed in action/thriller/etc movies. Right now we only really have movies where the entire fucking plot revolves around how gay someone is and their struggle with being gay and AcCePtInG tHeMsElVeS. It’s becoming trope-y and stale.

    I just want to be pleasantly surprised someone’s LGBT+ in a movie and have the plot move on without fanfare like it would for a straight romance.

  • Hm, like most opinion pieces, there aren’t any hard numbers from studies really shown besides the initial percentages. And I immediately picked up on the second paragraph’s

    Compared to older generations, younger generations have reported higher rates of victimization in phishing, identity theft, romance scams, and cyberbullying.

    Yeah no shit those metrics will skew towards Gen Z being more victimized if you’re lumping cyberbullying into the mix! They’re one of the first generations that have had to deal with their peers harassing the everloving shit out of them all hours of the day online. As a millennial, I didn’t have to even think about putting up with that until at least high school. I’d really want to see what questionnaire wording they were using for the survey data. If the question was legitimately “Have you ever been a victim of phishing, identity theft, romance scams, or cyberbullying?” then I think almost everyone with a social media account for their whole life would need to check “yes.”