True, some will be denied and will just rot, if they’re fortunate enough to have insurance to deny them.
True, some will be denied and will just rot, if they’re fortunate enough to have insurance to deny them.
Why thank you, it took many edits to get it to the point where it was creepy but believable.
Can you imagine hitching your wagon to someone only to find out years later that they can’t stay focused while under the effects of teargas?
What doesn’t get spent on enjoying a retirement we will never get, will be claimed by medical bills from failing health. Generational wealth doesn’t apply to us, and no one is coming to save you.
It says a lot about the strange people you meet online that, had I never responded, no one but me would truly know if this offhand comment actually came from a deranged stalker or just some drunk and bored idiot looking to do some light trolling.
No idea. I always tell them how nice I am, I always hold the door for them, and I even shower before we meet up. I’ve even going so far as to pick them up at their houses, they never seem to appreciate it. Some have reacted quite unexpectedly, slamming the door and yelling about police. I’ve learned to never show initiative and learn their address beforehand, as the effort is never reciprocated. Maybe if I was some knuckledragging douchebag, I’d get some of the attention I deserve.
Pretty sure they have layered defense as well, so it beat multiple systems.
What type of missile do they have that has a MaRV?
I think that missile may have been too quick for the interceptors. By no means am I am expert, but it looks like the fusing action happens just after the closest point of approach.
I don’t believe in heaven, but people like this make me hope hell is real.
Well, I never asked for your help, and nor do I need it, however well intentioned it may be. Like you said about me, it’s coming from a good place, so I can’t fault you for that.
It seems to me that we both want better, we’re just seeing it through different perspectives. We’re both looking at a subject through a glass of water. The light on the subject will refract and reflect differently depending on how you view it, and from my viewpoint, the glass is half empty.
Not the treats!!
An article from 2011 is hardly an indication of recent American health. There was a whole pandemic since then.
The article about wages and inflation does not take price gouging into account, or people having to work multiple jobs.
Perhaps the less drug deaths could be due to less opiods being prescribed, due to America losing it’s poppy farms in Afghanistan.
Beside those points, the diagnosis isn’t necessary, not without seeing your psychology degree.
People cannot eat, poorly or otherwise, if they aren’t paid enough to buy food. People cannot afford to eat, so obesity rates are dropping. Minimum wage is making gains in some areas, that’s true, but groceries are also rising.
Same goes for drug deaths. People cannot afford drugs, due to excess profits for exectutives at the expense of employee wages.
I’d love for America to not get worse every year, but it’s impossible to turn a blind eye. Articles like this are pro-corporate propaganda, as most of the big name news sources are.
Very recently, there has been a lot of attention on healthcare, and this article is trying to spin a positive narrative of American health, despite the fact that Americans are sicker for longer, and have lower life expectancies, and higher healthcare costs, than peer countries.
It’s less coming in conflict with the nihilistic view of America, and more an attempt at deception, to paint a better picture of America than actualky exists. Articles like this need to be questioned.
I was discussing the article, not you. I don’t see how comments about me are warrented. If you disagree with my point of view, I’ll discuss your ideas on that with you. Anything else doesn’t seem pertinent, regardless of whichever thought patterns you think I need to be careful with.
Garbage article with cherry-picked statistics to try and spin good will towards the health industry.
We’re healthier because we’re getting murdered less? I’d like to see the numbers on deaths due to denied claims on treatable ailments.
Americans are healthier because of less car crashes? What? I’d like to see the numbers on deaths from women who needed, but could not get, access to birth care.
Maybe we’re crashing less because we can’t afford to drive as much. Perhaps the drop in obesity is due to starvation wages? Drug deaths are down, but I’d bet it’s due to wage theft.
No one knows why? Same with everything else in capitalism, just follow the money, or in this case, the lack thereof.
I agree, I didn’t think I’d enjoy it as much as I did
This is no joke, I’m a better person overall when my work day starts at 4pm and goes to midnight. Sure I miss out on stuff, but I exercise, eat better, get better sleep, focus on hobbies. It’s much nicer, when I can do it.
The show is also almost like an intro to philosophy.
I nisread, I thought you said “Not everyone in the US”. My bad for the miscommunication.