Qual coming at Frieren like…
Qual coming at Frieren like…
Shadow of memories sounds nice.
I can see a good remake of terranigma
Ready Player One
The cringe is massive with that one.
Frieren - Beyond Journeys End
Rewatching it right now. Just awesome awesome fantasy. Can’t wait for a second season.
Turbo Zeit: https://youtu.be/BPtAdJItri4?si=TIkG4h6yEDJox2AL
We still go with K-On. Girls doing cute stuff and being kind of stupid is just great.
Well my legs are surely fine
Oh just my thing.
I have a lot of these on my shortlist. More series and even way more videogames
I’ve did some 3d printing and modelling, made a case for one of my favorite card ganes that was just too big for its original case when sleeved. Had choir. Farted out a small trainer application for my choir so we can get heavy into musical scale training. Should be done by the weekend. Today its pen & paper. Also finished tge case if the golden idol yesterday and uploaded a video for that to my youtube channel. Also started a dark souls playthrough with a mod that changes a lot of things. Fun so far.
That was the last 3 days for me.
What game is it?
Right now trying out Arch to get rid of my windows machine. It still has a lot of quirks but its fine so far. Most alarmingly i still have to find out how to make it use my grapics card properly.
Summer Wars. And it still tears me up.
Game: The Outer Wilds and its DLC. Also Undertale as close second Movie: Summer Wars. Redline close second. Tv Show: Frieren - After journeys end
I’m playing Pacific Drive right now. Its pretty fun and spooky
Yes, once. I was incredibly heartbroken and confused for three days. It sparked me going onto dating apps. Where i found my dream wife.
Sounds interesting, I’ll apply. I’m a QA engineer and tester, so if i get in i’ll start complaining and suggesting :D
I think this image would work perfectly fine without the second line and just the picture
Well… I got my car, i got my workshop, lets explore that zone, I’ll be fine!
Can someone explain why? Is there a religous base for this? Or is there another reason?
Oh hell yeah uplink. The first game i ever went online for. Wasnt even my native language