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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Kinda sucks that whenever major news outlets cover a social media company, they only interview the people who own the company and nobody else involved. Like here, maybe it would’ve made sense to interview a mod or someone. The way major news outlets frame it, social media outlets are theme parks and the only people who work to make it function are the owners. Most users see them more as pseduo-government leaders, and when you think about it like that it makes a lot of sense to interview the people on the ground like they do in non-tech related news pieces.

  • I supported the blackout not just because of the sudden changes to third party API usage (I only use Old Reddit so it does impact me less) but because this was clearly a change that severely negatively impacted the moderators on Reddit. The moderators on Reddit are unpaid and the work they do is mostly deleting spam. It’s not fun stuff and we are fortunate to have so many volunteers (even if some abuse whatever little power they have). They were the ones who organized this blackout. Reading some of their complaints, I empathize greatly. So even if the API changes don’t get reverted maybe the blackout gave Reddit’s corporate heads a moment’s pause to actually do something to help the people who do all of the work for them.

    So even if things don’t get reverted, perhaps there was something positive to this whole event.

    Also, being off Reddit for days has been really nice. I feel better, not being there. I might stay longer here.