• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I would say for a casual player, CP is much more important than IVs in terms of ability to fight most of the content in this game (exception being Go Battle League, where there are CP limits).

    But really, the game is just about collecting the Pokemon you like. It’s possible to use just about anything for fighting gyms or 1-2* raids.

    In general, the easiest way to get “strong” teams is to find Pokemon which are already high level (lots of stardust to power up), have a high maximum CP when evolved, and have the ability to learn two moves of the typing that you want (at lower levels, having 2 grass type moves is more important than having the absolute highest CP).

    You can generally avoid IVs unless you just want to collect high IV Pokemon, or you’re already very invested in the game and want to squeeze out the last bit of power possible.