Oh, yes. This was also a game of my childhood. I first played it when I was six, maybe? Didn’t get very far, because I never thought to go back to the place the Weasel popped out of for that final button to get out of the first area. I think I was eight when my older sib and I finally completed it. This was before I had access to the internet, so we called up the family member who had given it to us for hints when we finally put our nose to the grindstone to get it done.
In retrospect, the help we needed was ridiculous and somehow we figured out the harder puzzles with less issues. (Probably not me. My sib is better at those things than I am.)
I also didn’t know anything about the biblical overtones, because I wasn’t raised with religion. It was just nutty and unique. Yet I still listen to the Neverhood OST and quote Willie Trombone’s tapes.
I remember being scared of the first person sections. I genuinely expected something to pop out. XD
Yeah, there really is nothing like the Neverhood OST either.
I’m glad I got the whole experience in my life before I really knew anything about Western religion or the creator. I just got to enjoy the game as a child would. With some help from smarter people around me. XD