• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • That’s a good question, and the answer will be unique to you. My answer to not letting myself continually get sucked into lethargy over and over again was to tell myself “What good is free will if i am not going to do anything with it?” I make the decision everyday to keep my intertia towards delaying that dark cloud from consuming me. It’s not easy to do, and took several breaking points to get there. Heck, i may fall back into it, but today i decide for myself to delay it.

  • I like to deal with mine by:

    Work out almost daily, Be in nature often, Eat healthy, Get good sleep, Therapy, Socialize, Hobbies.

    I know all that is easier said than done. Exercise really is my primary medication. If i take more than 2 days off, the dark cloud starts engulfing me.

    Medication helped me out of my deepest pit, but i am off that now.

  • I personally find using an exercise bike and watching a show on my phone or listening to a podcast/book to give me extra motivation, since i am being doubly productive. You could do that for a few weeks to build the habit of going at least 🤷‍♂️

    What i like to do weight lifting wise starting out is compound lifts in a push/pull/legs split because it’s efficient for your time, and a simple base to build on later:

    Push day: bench press and overhead press

    Pull day: Pullups or Lat pulldowns and Standing or Seated Rows

    Legs day: Squats and Romanian Deadlifts

    Active rest 1 or 2 days if needed: walking or exercise bike


    Diet, sleep and consistency are particularly important for weight loss. As much as it may suck, counting calories and staying healthily below a weight maintenance amount (500-1000 below) is going to be what will help you burn fat. You can calculate that with a calorie calculator – I’d just Google a couple.

    Best of luck to you! Other people may have different or better tips :) this is just what i like to do.