• 6 Posts
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Cake day: 9. července 2023


  • The research cost recovery line they often yap about is bullshit itself though. The overwhelming majority of pharma research like the one involved here is subsidized through taxpayer dollars already, and they get tax incentives and write offs for failed research. If we had a sane, working government we could nationalize all life saving medications funded by public money while still allowing the inventors to enjoy some (reasonable) economic benefits from the research

  • NovaPrimetoMemesWage gap
    před 10 dny

    OP is trying to imply that women are paid less then men because they’re unwilling to put themselves on the line in tough situations - the woman is ducking in the back while the man is covering Trump out front.

    It’s a sad attempt at being edgy

  • Us economy is driven by the military industrial complex. Taxpayer funded defense “aid” is given to countries, only for them to turn around and buy american weapons with said aid, thus funneling the money into private pockets. Legislature “pork” was/is notorious for kickbacks to local manufacturing plants for various military equipment. The entire scheme of “global defense” that the US has pushed over the last 70 years has been driven by the desire to monopolize military production and sales on a global scale. Sanctions are imposed on countries which otherwise agree ideologically with what the US professes are its ideals because those countries purchase arms from the US competitors, while notably hostile countries like Saudia Arabia are propped up bc they are good for business. Israel aid is given to be spent on US arms. The US doesn’t give a shit how countries use their arms, as long as they’re buying. Without the military industrial complex, much of the domestic economy would likewise grind to a halt. Hell, the US military is the biggest domestic employer. The system is simply not set up for a massive paradigm shift like that, though imo it’s going to have to happen eventually because the current, unsustainable system is reaching it’s last leg and starting to topple over.