• 6 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2024


  • This. This right here. I live in Iran, and crypto currencies have been a life saver for many of us. Our local currency (IRR) is getting more worthless by the second. Many people have started immediately exchanging their earnings in IRR to something, anything else, including of course, cryptocurrencies.

    I don’t think most people who live in first-world countries like America can see the use in cryptocurrencies as clearly as people who live in third-wirld countries, where you get paid a dollar an hour on average at local jobs, and that’s IF you have a decent job to begin with.

    I have provided my services to people outside my country, and I prefer to do that, exactly because they are going to pay in dollar and not in IRR. And of course, they can’t do that through something like PayPal or UpWork, etc. because those services aren’t available to Iranians in the first place. Crypto currencies have saved and continue to save many, many people who live in these kinds of countries, because they provide a way for them to actually improve their lives by working, and not just hardly survive in whatever situation they are in and just stay alive for a bit longer. You can’t really change your life working 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, for $1 an hour. It’s just not feasible.

    Again, I think it’s something that most people who already have ready access to these kinds of services, and who use these services without ever doing anything that makes those centralized services start questioning whether they should ban their account or not, won’t really get to appreciate. Want to use PayPal? Nope! You’re an Iranian, so fuck you. You can starve to death for all these kinds of services care. You might be born as the most gifted person on earth inside Iran, and yet, if services like PayPal were THE ONLY way to work non-local jobs, you would lose so so much of your life just trying to survive, instead of doing something that helps people around the world.

    Cryptocurrencies, have quite literally, been a life saver for many, many people in my country. And no, they mostly weren’t scammers either. Some of them, sure, of course, but let’s remember that scamming isn’t something that only happens with cryptocurrencies. Scamming has been a thing way, waaay before cryptocurrencies were a thing.

    It’s kind of like proprietary vs Free software. You won’t appreciate the Free, open source alternative until the proprietary one reeeally starts getting on your nerves, and changing in a way that directly affects you. This is the exact reason behind why people who advocate free software usage seem like insane people, because again, it’s not something that you appreciate, until what you’ve been using starts to show you why you should have cared about these kinds of things a long time ago.

    You get to appreciate the alternative when the current “go-to” solution starts to show its problems. And regular fiat money, for the most part, works pretty well for most people right now, so there’s no reason to care about the alternatives at this point.

  • There are services for that available on the web, such as FairTrade on dread that d/Jobs4Crypto mods recommend. I had experience with this one. Looking for similar ones on the web, there’s also FairDesk on clear-net, but I didn’t have experience with them. The mods on r/Jobs4Bitcoins offer escrow services themselves, which I hope to offer if my users are willing to trust me with their money. I would have more to lose in the long-term by betraying their trust and taking their money for my own, than to just be honest and offer a good escrow service for my users, so that the activity in the community can continue as intended :)

    If that’s not convincing enough though, any 3rd party escrow service that both of the end-users agree on can be used. As long as the person or organization that offers the escrow service is trustable, it should be able to do the job.

  • I can’t fucking agree more honestly. I already use LineageOS on my phones and not the stock ROMs that they come with, but even then, Google’s way of locking you in with their “open-source” Android kernel is very annoying. Some of the most popular Android apps won’t work because of their Safety-Net and Google Services dependencies. And let’s not even get started on the dozens of binary blobs in the firmware that you can’t get rid of if you want your phone to keep on working.

    It’s all so shitty. I’d drop my android phone for a Linux one in an instant if there’s even a decent one out there that works reliably. It’s so sad to see that it’s just a niche yet for privacy obsessed people and that’s it. It definitely needs more attention and funding.

  • Try different ones out! If you have the time at least.

    Otherwise, I’d personally suggest trying out some of the more active Wayland WMs, such as Hyprland or Niri, and of course, sway which is i3 but for wayland! :)

    I suggest Wayland because X11 is being dropped everywhere, so it isn’t too wise to get used to an X11 WM, if you’re going out of your way to learn something new in the first place 🙂🤷‍♂️