• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 25th, 2023


  • Making reading a daily habit was one of the best thing I’ve done. I used to avoid reading books like plague, but by reserving some of my time daily to just read helped me get used to it.

    I recommend pretty much anything from Michael Parenti, but my favourite so far is Inventing Reality. I find his books also to be easy to read, which might help.

    Btw if you’d like to change your doomscrolling habits into doomreading, The Divide by Jason Hickel goes into unequal development and ends talking about climate change, and how doomed we are.

  • The developing/underdeveloped countries have been made reliant on foreign investment trought colonialism and coups, making them have no choice but to agree to loan terms. These terms ironically strip away the same ways to develop that modern rich countries used to develop themselves, like high tariffs and infant industry protection.

    By market logic the poorer countries then have to compete for investment by cutting wages and social programs. The rich countries can instead subsidise food production, enjoy safety nets and bail out their companies in economic downterms. This doesn’t even touch the unequal exchange between the poor and the rich.

    Stepping out of line is not an option. The IMF, World bank and WTO have made that clear

  • Sounds great. There was some diamonds and some deepslate diamond ore gone. It happened before 8th of this month, but I’m not sure at all if it happened before the problems with the server last week. I had put them in over time so I know it is not just a badly timed server reset. Thanks in advance.

    If you’d like to hear something extra, a similar situation has happened before. On one of my 1st days on the server, I was getting diamond gear trough trading. Comrade Zerzerag(?)(forgive me if I got their name wrong) had recently put some diamonds into the resource center. They afterwards disappeared and Zerzerag noticed. I was a prime suspect with my newly traded shiny diamond armor. As a suspicious new player, I got accused of taking the diamonds. The master rank villagers were a proof of my innocence at the time.