How do you catch a unique chicken?
Unique up on it!
How do you catch a unique chicken?
Unique up on it!
Mint tea and thin mint Girl Scout cookies… I don’t really either at any other time, but if I’m under the weather, nothing sounds good to eat. I do my best to drink water and stay hydrated, but guzzling water all day when I do t feel good is a chore. So I’ll have tea and cookies instead.
I’m so habituated that it’s frequently when I realize that I AM sick, because I’ll find myself looking in the cupboard for thin mints.
Burger Time! That’s my teenage kid’s favorite stand-up arcade game, we still see them around once in a while!
Something to see, baby…
Telling that the song was written as a criticism of class in America, but conservatives missed the point and ran with it as a model of what they thought America should be - little pink houses, for you and me.
Now someone needs to come out with a big-ass throttle bar like the original arcade game had!
I changed companies recently and the new place is very “camera on”… I find it freaking exhausting…
XD savage!
My whole career on Stack Exchange…
Please don’t stab my cornhole!
I’m sure it’s delicious, but “pet milk” makes me feel weird about my gerbils
They’ll clutch at anything they think they might be able to use to piss off their constituents, won’t they?
“They’re coming for you gas stoves, citizen! Where will it end? What will you cook food for your family on?! Pic up a ‘don’t step on the gas’ ballcap for only $49.99, and go get ‘em!”
Depends on how much ground there is to cover, but face-time with people is cheap if you’re just walking the neighborhood and knocking on doors.
I had a candidate (not a staffer, the actual candidate) introduce himself and we talked on my stoop for like 20min. I was impressed that he cared enough to come in person. I was leaning in his direction anyway, but after that I told people he seemed like a good guy, donated a few bucks online, and voted for him.
Alternately, you could host a “coffee with the candidate somewhere”, and bring the people to you?
Amazon, Apple and SpaceX. The first two for staggering short-term monies before they figure out I don’t know anything, and kick me out, SpaceX because I think rockets are cool! Maybe I’d kill off Starlink since that’s pissing off astronomers and astronomers are also cool.
Could just be propaganda, but this claims that they’re marching towards Russia again:
Maybe at 2.00am… the heat index is like 115F here right now.
Oh right, and the blue phone booth that’s bigger on the inside?
I think I’d set up a foundation. I’d decide what the foundation would pay for (tuition, maybe small business loans up to $25K, I don’t know…) and then any relatives can apply to the foundation and leave me out of it.
That seems like too long; I feel like I’d like to see him back again.