There’s an old book called “The Tomorrow City” by Monica Hughes that might fit. It’s a young teen light novel, more short story than anything but I always remember it.
There’s an old book called “The Tomorrow City” by Monica Hughes that might fit. It’s a young teen light novel, more short story than anything but I always remember it.
Attack surface comparison really. If the only thing exposed is ssh, or your vpn, which do you trust to have fewer vulnerabilities in the exposed authentication system?
Probably a toss up.
Now if you’re talking about exposing multiple ssh endpoints vs a single vpn endpoint, that equation changes.
But a single relatively secure endpoint……difference is pretty negligible.
She invited you over at 2am cuz she wanted the D you fucking idiot
I can still tell you how fast a modem is connecting by the sound. Though I was less accurate by the time it got to k56flex and v.90 56k speeds.
call me crazy, but I miss chat rooms and “A/S/L?”
'course I was a teen at the time, so maybe that’s why.
How is a 250w TDP “sipping” in any way??
All the planets in the solar system can fit in the space between the Earth and the Moon
I don’t think AMD has EVER really gone the GHz route……they’ve gone the “larger caches” route since forever, but Intel has historically been the “clock speed wins” group.