• 31 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The idea is wonderful, but I’m not a fan of this modernized poetry that lacks any sort of structure. Free verse, if you will, just feels lacking. Any profound statement on twitter could easily be considered “poetry” by breaking the lines up awkwardly and haphazardly, without any recognizable form and be considereded “poetry” I guess. It feels uninspired and lazy, and I struggle to genuinely enjoy it. But I guess that’s the point of most “modern” art - the point isn’t the organization, the skill, the technique, or the stylization of the art, but merely, what does the art make you “experience” or “feel”. So then why even break up the lines? The pauses feel jarring in some aspect… especially so in the second verse. It could be a single line and not deviate, in any way, from the same flow, idea, or feeling it intends to provoke.

  • I was just banned from leftymemes because I was having a conversation about Democrats. They essentially said that the Democrats suck because they don’t want to sink the levels of depravity of the Alt-Right. I pretty much said, whatever happened to “Be the Change you want to see?” They want a government that works together. You can’t do that be being savage, raving, lying lunatics like the Alt-Right.

    Apparently that’s enough to get you banned by the Alt-Left. Fuck them

  • One thing that I love from this thread…the number of conservative trolls. They are fucking terrified that Biden is going to win. So bad that they are pushing this absolute bullshit of doubt and worry about Biden.

    Anyone that’s actually paying attention to Biden knows that the dude has been getting shit done even with a stalled congress. Any one that’s even remotely paying attention to the election is literally not going to elect a fascist, and people are absolutely starting to pay attention. Look at the Project 2025 bullshit. Look at how much people are starting to realize how fucking serious this is. Even Trump has desperately tried to distance himself from it, and can’t seem to keep dodging now that speeches and videos of him talking about it starting to surface.

    Bidens okay. Democrats have backed him. He’s not dropping out.