Some time ago I made a test community. The community has “no posts”:

But it actually has two, this one is gone from the post list but it exists somewhere:

And this one: (the latest mod action I see in the modlog was supposed to restore it but it still doesn’t appear).

The sidebar looks like this:

“removed by mod” next to the join button, “Create a post” button disabled.

If I try to create a post using the community ID like this (copying the link from the disabled button):

I get this duplicate error (“deleted by creator” “deleted by creator”):

The community is this:

Is this a bug? Something removed by the admins? Maybe removed by me and I forgot?

I forgot I had created that since it doesn’t appear in my user page:

But I was recently able to log in using the lemmur app (writing my username like \___) and I saw it there so I remembered and decided to check.

Edit: The comments list can display comments: (unlike the posts list).

  • @xarvos
    52 years ago

    Everything with underscore behaves weirdly on Lemmy