• LordBullingdon@hexbear.net
    7 months ago

    The thing with the millenial generation is, they are left wing but there also in a permanent state of shock because they were raised in the neoliberal end of history glory years, with the assumption that there lives would be even more materially successful than their parents. It’s a hard thing to wake up from. I know for me personally it wasn’t until quite a while after I had graduated that I started realising just how fucked the world is, sure I was left wing in sentiment before then but not in the way that teenagers nowdays are calling for the abolition of police or the destruction of Israel. But I mean no-one was, those kinds of narratives just didn’t exist outside of tiny, forgotten political enclaves. I’m guessing the next step, assuming things don’t accelerate and stay on their current course (which I doubt), would be that Gen Alpha are actually capable of organising right from the start.

    Edit: sorry I just saw you were referring to people over 40, I haven’t had my coffee yet. Gen X I see you I hear you.

    • davi [he/him]@hexbear.net
      7 months ago

      Edit: sorry I just saw you were referring to people over 40, I haven’t had my coffee yet. Gen X I see you I hear you.

      the oldest millennials are 42 this year and 43 next year.