I have been reading a book on JS. This is one of the questions at the end of a chapter that stumped me; don’t know where to begin. So please help me out:


A classic example for an abstract class is a tree node. There are two kinds of nodes: those with children (parents) and those without (leaves).

class Node {
  depth() { throw Error("abstract method") }
class Parent extends Node {
  constructor(value, children) { . . . }
  depth() { return 1 + Math.max(...children.map(n => n.depth())) }
class Leaf extends Node {
  constructor(value) { . . . }
  depth() { return 1 }

This is how you would model tree nodes in Java or C++. But in JavaScript, you don’t need an abstract class to be able to invoke n.depth().

Rewrite the classes without inheritance and provide a test program.

So, how to write this code without using inheritance in JS?

  • gun
    3 years ago

    It looks like the class Node doesn’t contain any methods, so the only reason why Parent and Leaf would inherit from it is for polymorphism. You can just remove, “extends Node” and everything will work if I understand the problem correctly.