Yeah, this is bullshit. My sister, among others, mutilated both her sons because she thinks intact members look “gross.” I have heard similar sentiments, and their ensuing mutilations, from women in similar demos.
I didn’t say that women don’t participate in the genital cutting culture. Men are just more likely to give strong pushback to criticism of the practice because it’s more personal. It also happens to be that almost all of the medical authorities and researchers responsible for endorsing and promoting circumcision are circumcised men, and they bear the most blame.
Yeah, this is bullshit. My sister, among others, mutilated both her sons because she thinks intact members look “gross.” I have heard similar sentiments, and their ensuing mutilations, from women in similar demos.
I didn’t say that women don’t participate in the genital cutting culture. Men are just more likely to give strong pushback to criticism of the practice because it’s more personal. It also happens to be that almost all of the medical authorities and researchers responsible for endorsing and promoting circumcision are circumcised men, and they bear the most blame.