Death to America

    8 months ago

    Forced deportations is unfeasable and frankly even talking about it makes us look bad. In a single, democratic Palestinian state a lot of settlers would leave of their own accord anyway.
    South Africa is definitely the model that should be aspired to, however a two state solution is probably required as an intermediate step because Israeli’s are incredibly unhinged, in contrast to the rest of the Western world their young generation is actually more right wing than their boomers (75% of 18-35 year olds self identify as right wing).
    Apartheid ended in South Africa because it became unviable in the long term. As well as the internal resistance on one hand, you had the country under sanctions and with an understanding that it would not be permitted to simply genocide the black population. This is the key difference with Israel - it’s importance to US imperialism, in contrast to South Africa which was not useful to the US, means that it has unlimited American backing. Thus, it has the green light to commit genocide, and the state is actually viable even in the long term.
    With the Arab states other than Iran, Lebanon and Yemen having totally abandoned Palestine, a two state solution is realistically the most that can be achieved at this time. However a two state solution that leaves Palestine under the economic and military thumb of Israel, and under the dictatorship of corrupt Israeli hirelings (ie the Palestinian Authority) cannot be acceptable either.
    Of course, if the US abandoned Israel or declined in power then there would be many other possibilities

    While it doesn’t matter at all here, any Westerners talking about 1000 Oct 7’s in the real world would be being wilfully counterproductive