• Infamousblt [any]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    I vote and even canvas sometimes in local elections because you can actually make a difference there, but federally? Of course not. Who am I gonna vote for federally? The guy who sells bombs and supports genocide and does literally nothing of relevant systemic value for the global working class, or the guy who sells bombs and supports genocide and does literally nothing of relevant systemic value for the global working class? Voting at anything other than the ultra local level is a placebo. It’s like homeopathy for college grads with a poli sci degree. Sure, you can list all of Biden’s “accomplishments”, and then anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can point to a massively struggling working class in America and say “so what, how did that help them?” It didn’t. You can list all of Obama’s healtchare accomplishments and then go find literally millions of people who still can’t afford even the most basic healthcare needs like insulin and inhalers. You could also go vote for the lady who was proud to vote against a federal minimum wage increase death-to-the-poor or the lady who has made an entire political career out of insider trading I guess. Or you can go vote for the dude who caused a huge train accident poisoning an entire Ohio town. Or any list of irrelevant boomers on any level who literally don’t care one iota about any of you. Fat lot of good that does the vast majority of the working class. Even talking about it is a waste of everyone’s goddamn time.

    State level can matter when it comes to direct democracy things like referendums…I mean Ohio just got abortion legalization into their constitution, so that’s pretty cool, and any leftist should have gone out and voted for that because direct democracy actually is kinda useful. But corporate owned representative democracy is a complete waste of everyone’s time, and anyone who defends it should go think about who those representatives are actually representing, because unless you’re a multinational CEO or board member, it’s not you.

    Local level can matter a lot depending on where you are, so I do still believe at least somewhat in local elections. You can actually knock on doors and talk to people about their neighborhood and get people to care and find people to support that will make a difference. I’ve also seen many times now that at the local level, money doesn’t buy votes as easily. In my district a few years ago we had a local organizer who only had local organizations in her corner run against a fucking state government assistant who had the entire backing of the democratic party behind her. We got mailers every single day and pimply faced poli sci nerds from out of town showing up at our door every single day trying to talk about how she is going to fix crime and clean up the neighborhood. Meanwhile I canvased for the local organizer. She barely had mailers, certainly nothing fancy, she just had an army of people who care about the neighborhood and went out talking to neighbors about it. The organizer won like 60% of the votes. It was a goddamn blowout, because all she had to do was get people who live here to go talk to others who live here about what actually matters to people who live here. And she’s not perfect of course, but she IS actually advocating for us and making meaningful systemic changes in the neighborhood. So that kind of shit actually does sort of matter and if you have a way to participate in that sort of democracy you should.

    Anyway fuck voting, fuck electoralism without organizing, and fuck America.

  • AcidMarxist [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    Sometimes I read the word “vote” and my eyes glaze over from all the posts I’ve seen. I will not be supporting any federal candidates this year, bernie-pout was an embarrassment for the international working class.

    I have voted to legalize dank bud and to increase the minimum wage. These ballot measures passed, even in a state as red as mine.

      • anticlockwise [love/loves, she/her]@hexbear.net
        11 months ago

        I mean the voter acquiesces to morally align herself with a system that produces atrocities. The content of the ballot does not matter.

        e: … that is to say that voting legitimizes the bourgeois state and authorizes its predation, hence the voter is culpable, and thus tainted

  • Quaxamilliom [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    Ive been voting since 2002 and I always make sure to vote for Hilary Clinton, even when shes not on the ballot we owe it to her to vote her in as a write-in. You’re a Drumph loving misogynist if you disagree.

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    i vote in my local shit every time. i live in a little state nobody cares to visit in a small city. i generally focus on preventing monsters from getting on the school board/city council/judge bench and sometimes, when the monster is disgusting enough, help block them from the governor’s office. i vote for 3rd party weirdos and commies for president, because i’m usually already there voting to allow kids to keep reading books or whatever other wack shit is trying to sneak through on the ballot that time. something is up with the GOP, because while they totally seem to have this place on lockdown (and the dems disorganized)… the republicans keep somehow overplaying their hand and bricking it for exec offices. one time we had a guy sneak onto the Lib ticket who was like off the rails “Abolish the CIA!” wild. libs were so mad that he won their primary, i loved voting for that guy (he lost in a landslide lol).

    i live in a honky part of town so my lines are short and ever since covid, they let us do early voting and all that shit, so it takes no time. i have never had a line during my near decade of living here, and the polling place is like a 6 minute walk from my house that i have to go by to get anywhere.

    i don’t wear my sticker or allow signs in my yard or anything. that stuff can eat me and i’m not trying to flag myself to whatever heavily armed Q-brain received his Gladio Activation Code today. but for the amount of effort i have to put in to do it, i can’t justify not doing it. all i can think is, “if voting was complete bullshit, they wouldn’t work so hard to stop black people from doing it.”

  • happybadger [he/him]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    I like direct democracy in the form of ballot measures so I vote for any of those which increase taxes, fund services, or represent biocentrism.

    Local officials have a lot of impact so I vote for things on a city and state level. I don’t vote in any single-candidate elections and wrote in my dog for mayor this year. He lost.

    For the federal government and in general, I don’t believe in vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo. After seeing Obama’s presidency, a candidate earns my vote through specific policies and ideological leanings or they don’t. I wrote in Bernie in 2016 and voted PSL in 2020. If the democrats give me a generic liberal, I’m not wasting ink on a judas goat. In 2020 Bernie’s capitulation to Biden was such a moral insult that I’m no longer tolerating the milquetoast progressive option either. They need org endorsement from at least the DSA or a professional history and background that represents working class interests. Any compromise candidate will just be tomorrow’s Kirsten Sinema or John Fetterman so I don’t want blood on my hands for endorsing them.

  • aaro [they/them, she/her]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    I vote, since I’m usually living in a blue state I vote green or PSL to build momentum outside of the uniparty. Probably pretty controversial, but if I were in a swing state I’d probably vote blue, in my mind Israel and Ukraine would probably look fairly similar under Trump, Israel would probably be a bit worse and Ukraine might be a bit better. Taiwan would likely be a fair bit worse under Trump. (1, 2 articles are kinda libbed up but contain an accurate cataloging of events).

    To me, both of them, their cabinets, and their families all would get [redacted] in the town square under any just political system, but foreign policy between them is a wash and project 2025 sounds a little worse than not project 2025, so I’ll take the five minutes a year* it takes to bubble in free damage control and use the rest of my political energy on building the left. (*I live in a state with absentee ballots allowed, if I had to go vote in person I’d probably still do it if I could vote early and avoid waiting in line for several hours)

    As for local, hell yeah i-voted, we had a police abolitionist win a city council seat by less than 500 votes against a chud. They are now in charge of a several million dollar city budget. Sign me the fuck up for as much of that as possible.

      • MattsAlt [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        11 months ago

        Thing is though, liberal opposition would be much higher. March on DC may have been twice the size under Trump. Not saying anything balances, but there is that aspect to consider under a Trump presidency too

        • MaoTheLawn [any, any]@hexbear.net
          11 months ago

          Sort of, yeah, but not really when it comes to stuff about countries that aren’t a hot topic. Mexico - the libs might say something because to be pro-mexican is to be anti trump. Maybe there’d be more opposition if Trump was in power on certain issues, but at the same time the ‘opposition’ they show is usually meaningless and disappears once the Dems get back in power, and pivot to a new voter issue to consolidate power.

          But in deeper South America, Bolivia, Venezuela, Chile, and so on, libs couldn’t care less. They’ve never cared about what goes on in the periphery. The media will put out a bunch of op-eds about why the next left wing candidate is actually one of the bad guys, and the libs will follow suit.

    • alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]@hexbear.net
      11 months ago

      It depressing explaining to baby leftists in late 2020 that Biden was not going to empty the migrant camps, do free healthcare, reform the police, take back the SCOTUS, forgive college debt, or any other issue they thought they were voting for.

  • Owl [he/him]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    I spend like 20 minutes each election looking up all the candidates, voting for the least terrible one, and dropping off a ballot. Voting for the lesser evil isn’t great, but it’s more than I’m going to accomplish in 20 minutes otherwise, especially when voting for things like the DA.

    I wouldn’t bother with the nationals if they weren’t bundled with my local elections. But they are bundled with my local elections, and it’s not like abstaining is going to accomplish anything - nobody’s even looking at the count of those.

    The time people spend debating electoral politics and following the horse race is a massive waste. A vote’s worth the 20 minutes. It’s not worth an entire year of attention.

  • Saoirse [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    In my state we get mail ballots so if there’s anyone worth voting for I’ll do it.

    But there usually isn’t. Often enough the only tolerable thing is to leave half the ballot blank. I’ve spent enough time in the consent factory for one lifetime.

  • duderium [he/him]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    I voted recently to support an anti-capitalist ballot measure but I refuse to vote for Democrats, Republicans, or third party cranks at any level of government. People here think that local, county, or state democrats are somehow different from the ones at the national level, but I’ve been involved in local politics and know some of these people personally. They’re basically minor league versions of Nancy Pelosi.

  • impiri@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Yeah, I vote in every election. North Carolina is perpetually on a razor’s edge, and all of the state-wide stuff is basically a hedge against Republicans making it statistically impossible to vote them out for a generation

    Local elections are where it’s at, you can get some stuff done there. Bonus if they happen in odd years

  • tyler99b [he/him]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    I did the last presidential but not the midterm, some people say vote in local shit since you get candidates who aren’t ghouls and while I’m sure that’s true somewhere it sure isn’t the case for me. I voted psl Gloria La Riva, was initially gonna do green party but thought if I’m doing 3rd party might as well do the one that actually aligns with my beliefs since there’s no shot they win anyways. I’ve moved now so seems kinda pointless to register just to do 3rd party so I won’t unless there’s a ballot measure worth voting for.

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.net
      11 months ago

      and while I’m sure that’s true somewhere it sure isn’t the case for me

      I feel this, my city council and mayoral elections look like this: “Small business tyrant, small business tyrant, small business tyrant, unrepentant fascist, small business tyrant, milquetoast lib, small business tyrant”