The human species has topped 8 billion, with longer lifespans offsetting fewer births, but world population growth continues a long-term trend of slowing down, the US Census Bureau said Thursday.

The bureau estimates that the global population exceeded the threshold on 26 September, though the agency said to take this precise date with a grain of salt.

The United Nations estimated the number was passed 10 months earlier, having declared 22 November 2022, the “Day of 8 Billion”, the Census Bureau pointed out in a statement.

The discrepancy is due to countries counting people differently — or not at all. Many lack systems to record births and deaths. Some of the most populous countries, such as India and Nigeria, haven’t conducted censuses in over a decade, according to the bureau.

While world population growth remains brisk, growing from 6 billion to 8 billion since the turn of the millennium, the rate has slowed since doubling between 1960 and 2000.

    11 months ago

    On the first part it is continuing to grow as of now just like the professionals say. If you mean predictions of the future I just was remarking that for decades I have heard about a peak and leveling off but it always seems 20 or more years away. Like fusion. There are currently not enough “riches” to provide for what humanity is using now even with not a 100% of the 8b leading a modern life that the world can renew. 1970 was about the time the population was using the amount of resources that the world was able to regenerate. Thus the birth of world overshoot day. I believe this year was august second and we are currently eating into next years materials

      11 months ago

      This is a straight up lie. It’s not “20 years away”. I didn’t even give you a year, because you don’t understand that’s not how the math works.

      The 12th billion human won’t be born because there won’t be economic incentive for it. Watch the damn video, baby booming is only proportional to child mortality, which after a certain economic level people stop needed 10 kids. Then the population starts to recede and age. Just look at the video ffs

        11 months ago

        I used that term in the generic and im talking about articles popping up over time not this particular one. Usually its said 20+ years away. I did not mean they were saying before we would hit it in 20 years but just that they have predicitons about peaks that seem to change regularly as time goes by. I swear we were supposed to hit peak before 8 billion at one point. EDITED - um also I read the article but did not watch a video. Im not sure what video you are talking about but I do use no script and by and large do not watch videos. That being said my conversation has not been about this particular article but about the general subject of overpopulation. Which I think we are. Based on what I have wrote. Which by the way. ARE OPINIONS. As is everything anyone writes in forums.