Fallout does not deserve to be the work of fiction that has the best depiction of a US/Canadian conflict, like there’s shitty comedy movies, and maybe a Turtledove book that even deals with it. But all of them treat it as a joke, like the second closet thing I can think of treating it somewhat seriously is maybe infinite jest but it’s like Quebec and French people aren’t real and their struggle was like a a school production with cardboard to like the IRA.

Idk, I’m done ranting.

  • emizeko [they/them]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    the Canadians will greet us as liberators

    President James Madison was intrigued by the analysis of Major General Henry Dearborn that in the event of war, Canada would be easy pickings — even that an invasion would be welcomed by the Canadians. [source]