• @Supervisor194@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      I wonder why there isn’t an army of people in this thread telling us how it costs money to host a social networking platform and we shouldn’t expect something for nothing a website has a right to charge users for access and if you don’t like it then don’t use it?

      Like in the YouTube threads. 🤔

      • @Neve8028@lemm.ee
        776 months ago

        I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with charging for API access but the amount they’re charging is ridiculous. Most reddit/lemmy apps pay for the imgur api, for example. Only difference is that imgur wants significantly less money than reddit so it’s sustainable for app developers.

        • Reality Suit
          376 months ago

          That makes me think how a lot can be summed up as: people want to support what they love, but don’t want to be taken advantage of.

      • all-knight-party
        226 months ago

        I do think there’s a bit of merit to that, but I think the way it was approached and leveled at the community was really what created the true problem.

        There wasn’t much tact or frank honesty about the situation, Reddit and Huffman bred a sort of hostile environment by setting the tone. I could sympathize with the logical reason, but not with the execution and true personality that it belied.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        -26 months ago

        The fact is that these free big services were never supposed to exist, and everyone massively benefitted from them, as they adopted the services. These services were always supposed to have some form of monetary funding, but everyone does not pay, so companies rely on mass adoption to try and end up with a small subset of payers that will offset the costs in few years.

        Lemmy only exists after so many years because everyone has that spare computing power, or a spare old laptop, none of which would have existed if Reddit was not free for the past 10+ years. And the scale of Lemmy is not going to be bazillion users for a long time.

        But this is a very less spoken and rational take on tech platforms, as F(L)OSS zealots are usually just a little less unhinged (as defensive mechanism) than corporate Big Tech clowns. F(L)OSS zealots behave like liberals/libertarians, even though the philosophy and spirit of F(L)OSS is communist.

      • @Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee
        -316 months ago

        Because the people complaining about YouTube ads are whiney, self righteous twats that deserve to be wound up.

    • @pixelscript
      566 months ago

      Lemmy not pulling in Reddit’s general audience and Lemmy having a better user experience than Reddit are highly correlated.

      • @nathris@lemmy.ca
        96 months ago

        My Reddit usage is highly correlated with whether or not I’m at my desk.

        I feel like I need to wash my hands after opening the official Reddit app on my phone.

        • @NightOwl@lemmy.one
          66 months ago

          I recommend Stealth for Android. You can subscribe to subreddits and get nsfw access, and all this without an account. Only con for people might be not being able to sign it, but I don’t see not being able to comment or interact as a con with the benefit being less account based information being collected.

        • Queens113
          56 months ago

          Are you on Android? I use boost for reddit, as well as boost for lemmy… Its a great app. To use it for reddit just create a random sub and become a mod. Any name just create a sub, then it will let you log into boost… Full access and a great user experience…

            • Queens113
              16 months ago

              Boost will only work if you’re a mod… There is a guide to use ReVanced to make it work but it’s buggy… Just create a sub and become a mod and you should be good to go. Even NSFW works if you’re interested… Definately download it

      • @Peppycito@sh.itjust.works
        26 months ago

        Someone should put together some lists of instances to block for new users. Only English for example. Lemmy seems like opposite reddit, you block communities not subscribe to them. It’s taken me months to block enough that my feed has mostly things I care to look at. My blocked list is miles long, I think I’ve subscribed to 50 but I never browse it, it’s so slow moving.

    • @Neve8028@lemm.ee
      396 months ago

      Idk honestly. Lemmy is quite an echo chamber in terms of tech stuff especially. I think reddit having much more content of all different types can make it a better user experience for most people. I find it hard to suggest lemmy for the average user who just wants to see memes and discussions based on their hobbies and interests. Lemmy is a lot less diverse.

      • @TheFrirish@jlai.lu
        126 months ago

        yeah I wish we had more variety unfortunately I don’t have time to commit myself to be a mod for a community here

      • @OR3X@lemm.ee
        36 months ago

        You’re 100% right about that. Try mentioning a web browser that isn’t Firefox for a good example.

        • @jackpot
          66 months ago

          actually you should be using waterfox / librefox

    • @NightOwl@lemmy.one
      106 months ago

      There’s great lemmy apps too like Connect for Lemmy which has become my favorite. Handles multiple instances well and good filtering settings.

      • @TaintPuncher
        46 months ago

        I’m using Memmy on iPhone and it’s awesome, very similar to Apollo. Custom gestures, themes, hide read posts, etc. Can’t recommend it enough to my iOS homies

        • Ferro
          16 months ago

          Using Boost for Lemmy on Android! It has such a nice interface.

        • @FlihpFlorp@lemm.ee
          15 months ago

          I used Memmy for a while (actually since I created this acount during “the incident”) and recently swapped to Avelon id suggest to check it out

          I still have Memmy installed but Avelon is my personal go to

        • @FlihpFlorp@lemm.ee
          15 months ago

          I used Memmy for a while (actually since I created this acount during “the incident”) and recently swapped to Avelon id suggest to check it out

          I still have Memmy installed but Avelon is my personal go to

        • @FlihpFlorp@lemm.ee
          15 months ago

          I used Memmy for a while (actually since I created this acount during “the incident”) and recently swapped to Avelon id suggest to check it out

          I still have Memmy installed but Avelon is my personal go to

  • @Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz
    756 months ago

    Long before the APIcalypse, I was thinking of quitting Reddit. Now that everything went downhill, that decision became super easy.

    I wasn’t really getting that much benefit out of Reddit, so it wasn’t a big deal. Spending time there was more like bad habit to me. The mere thought of paying for a bad habit sounds so absurd that quitting would have been absolutely mandatory at that point.

    Fortunately though, Reddit already made the process so much easier simply buy kicking out my favorite client app.

    • Same here, it had been several months where I felt that the general quality had been declining. As soon as the AMA was done and nothing was answered I deleted the app (RiF).

      Sadly I still miss some niche communities, but I’ve been finding substitutes

    • @Wes_Dev
      66 months ago

      I know, right? It was like a steady stream of assholes, habitual doom scrolling, and occasionally a few good topics or people chatting.

      I made a pact to stop using Reddit as soon as Infinity stopped working for me. It worked for months, but when it stopped, I held myself to it. Not only did I deactivate my account, I used a service to overwrite all of my content, and also then delete it beforehand. My mental health has been recovering steadily ever since.

      Even if I did get something positive out of it, I refuse to be part of an ecosystem run that treats it’s users and volunteers with such open hostility. The whole saga with Spez lying and bullshitting to make other people look bad, and the pro-corporate bots that popped up from time to time turned me off it entirely. I miss it sometimes, but what’s the point of having a sense of ethics or personal conviction if you shrug your shoulders and do what you want regardless of whether you know you should?

      It’s like someone claiming to be a vegetarian, but they eat meat whenever they feel like it because it tastes good.

      • @Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz
        46 months ago

        When I joined Reddit I noticed that it’s too easy to end up doomscrolling and arguing with idiots. That’s why I stayed away from r/all and any sub that’s all about news and/politics. The only exception was r/europe, because I think it’s good to know something about the region that actually influences my life.

        In order to avoid wasting time on stupid idiont nonsense, I focused on science and technology subs along with some very specific niche subs. That way Reddit was actually able to provide some benefit from time to time.

        I made a Lemmy account before the Reddit Blackout, and I’ve been here ever since. After the blackout ended, I visited Reddit every week at first, but now it’s more like once a month at most. In order to make the transition faster, I unsubscribed from everything except all the protest, blackout, API etc. related subs. So if I go to Reddit now, I’ll just see people complaining about Reddit. If I go to r/all it’s about as useless as it was years ago, so there’s no reason to spend time in there.

  • @net00@lemm.ee
    696 months ago

    Must be fucking tragic still developing for reddit ecosystem. All of your subscriptions go straight to Reddit, who graciously gives you access to user generated content curated by unpaid mods.

    I checked out Narwhal 2, and the app is a goddam jewel. I’d have paid $30 or $50 for it (like I did with Bean for Lemmy). It almost convinced me to go and make a reddit account again, but then I saw reddit recently stopped letting you opt out of ad personalization anymore, and it was easy to run back to lemmy. Reddit does not want 3rd party apps. Eventually they’ll look for ways to fully block access.

    • @ThePrivacyPolicy@lemmy.ca
      216 months ago

      Reddit has a lot more tracking and fingerprinting going on in their own app too that they obviously want you there for. Once you log into multiple accounts, it fingerprints you as the same user on all accounts. I had a few accounts; a work related one and a couple personal ones. Ended up with a temporary ban on one from a dick head mod, and ALL of them got banned together for 7 days because of that with a message (forget the exact wording so I’m paraphrasing) basically saying “don’t try to make another account to get around the ban because we’ll still know its you”. They’re mining the shit out of user data now, and also really starting to connect the dots on multiple account holders which I’m guessing will be to “deal with” people who detract from their IPO goals. Glad I left.

    • LvxferreM
      86 months ago

      I wonder if those devs, still playing along with Reddit Inc. outrageous prices, aren’t coding access to other platforms behind the scenes. It would be a decent approach to retain their userbase, while gently encouraging it to migrate.

      • Tlaloc_Temporal
        66 months ago

        That’s what BOOST did. Basically a 1:1 transition from reddit to lemmy after the API died.

  • @cosmic_skillet
    656 months ago

    You can compile the infinity APK yourself with your own free API key and continue to use it. There are guides and automated scripts available that can do this for you.

    • @0x2dOP
      16 months ago

      i tried doing a packet capture in genymotion to get the redreader api key

      headers had http bearer

  • @HowMany
    496 months ago

    For some reason, Spaz thinks he’s Musk. It’s funny that Spaz is destroying reddit the same way Mush destroyed twitter, well… not funny “ha ha”, but funny ‘odd’.

    How stupid must they be?

    • WashedOver
      276 months ago

      Well in the reddit case there’s a payoff and then one gets to walk away from the sinking ship. They just need to get things pumped up for the IPO and then who cares what happens from there. It’s time to cash out and it becomes someone else’s problem to deal with.

      This IPO is the only thing that going to give them anything remotely near Musk money and it’s not going to anywhere near at much where one can crash and burn another social media site for the hell of it…

      • JokeDeity
        66 months ago

        Which I don’t get, all they have done for months(years really) is make the site less attractive to users, and therefore less attractive to investors. They did all the shitty stuff you do to maintain piece of shit shareholders BEFORE THEY HAD THE SHAREHOLDERS!

        • @nossaquesapao@lemmy.eco.br
          46 months ago

          It’s like those recent news about netflix rising prices and preventing password share. They don’t care about users’ experience, or if 10% of the userbase will leave, as long as the revenue increases.

      • @PM_ME_FAT_ENBIES@lib.lgbt
        46 months ago

        And that’s why it’s so awesome that Reddit users got together and did a protest that dumped the valuation of Reddit stock just as Spez was trying to sell it

    • @sizzler@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      This is their way of destroying global communication. We the people were organising using their sites. That obviously couldn’t happen so they threw the toys out of the pram and its worked. There is less of a global forum with reddit and twitter fkd.

      • @KingJalopy@lemmy.zip
        6 months ago

        Damn. I never thought about it like that. You’re right, but at the same time I see Lemmy way more focused on important matters we should pay attention to. With actual discussion within, not just bullshit bots slinging nonsense to steer the conversations. Granted lemmy def leans a certain way depending on where you are but it’s mostly what the majority is already thinking. They may have fucked themselves in that aspect. Driving us to be more centralized with less noise to interfere. Idk, but good point.

      • Uranium3006
        25 months ago

        That’s gonna backfire because now we have alternatives that aren’t owned by companies that can be coerced by any two bit dictatorship with profits. They’re driving people right to.the fediverse with is way worse for them

      • @HowMany
        16 months ago

        umm… this “we the people” shit needs to come to a halt. Your “we” doesn’t include “me”, so the “we” part is overreach.

        “You A Person” I can buy - but “we” ain’t “we” pal.

        • @sizzler@lemmy.world
          26 months ago

          If it’s a group organisation without any restriction to entry then it is the common person’s voice. Do you not think that together we can work towards a better tomorrow?

          • @HowMany
            16 months ago

            It’s the common person’s voice with access to that medium.

  • @shrugal@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    I’m happy to buy an app, but I will not pay a $3 subscription for just an app and access to a repository of user generated content. I know the Infinity devs don’t really have a choice, but this pricing model is ridiculous!

    • @Tak
      256 months ago

      I don’t even want to buy an app for social media. Since Reddit sells your data I just can’t be interested in purchasing access to my info being sold.

  • @Euphorazine@lemmy.world
    436 months ago

    My favorite bit of irony is how spez was throwing shade at third party apps for having the audacity to “profit” off reddits’s work for free, when that is reddits’s entire business model.

  • @stolid_agnostic
    336 months ago

    Narwhal prompted similarly. Haven’t even thought to look since. It’s dead to me now.

    • @7u5k3n@lemmy.world
      316 months ago

      Relay for reddit was my choice for years and years.

      As soon as that subscription deal popped up I uninstalled.

      Hated to do that… but I’m not paying reddit to feed me user generated content.

      Boost for lemmy is the way now.

      • modifier
        166 months ago

        I could have written this comment word for word, except I’m on Sync now.

    • @StickyLavander@lemm.ee
      6 months ago

      First Apolo, then Narwal, Alíen Blue barely works, but not able to log in or search for particular sub, which was the main reason I was still using it. No longer a redditor, I identify Ada Lemmor

      Edit- I’m going to leave it like that. You win auto correct

  • @Wage_slave
    266 months ago

    This is like seeing a photo of a friend that got murdered three months after they got killed just highlighting the corpse that is left.

    • @ChickenLadyLovesLife@lemmy.world
      86 months ago

      It’s like reading the Kobe Bryant autopsy report. Yeah it’s awful, but it happened a long time ago and he was instantly dead before the really awful stuff happened anyway.

  • @mysoulishome@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    If I had been given the option to pay $3 or $5 a month in June to continue using Apollo to access Reddit with no restrictions (NSFW) I would have considered it. I trust Christian’s assessment that it wasn’t financially viable, though. The dev of this app admits at $3 they basically make nothing. If the app cannot be funded (aka dev make a living) Reddit is overcharging for what they provide and can go fuck themselves.

    This basically still supports what Christian said in June…and still shows why Reddit was so stupid and toxic that they wouldn’t try to tweak the api dollar amounts to make it sustainable.

    Fuck spez still. I admire what these devs are trying to do but Reddit does not want them to succeed, and Reddit does not want people using their apps…so it’s a losing battle

  • @mctoasterson@reddthat.com
    206 months ago

    It’s a paradigm that defeats itself. Reddit is basically reselling access to shit that users freely submit. They start removing access from users who don’t want to pay or use the official (bad experience) app, and they will necessarily have fewer submissions and less content.

    If its a hassle to go there and use it, and the payment structure disincentivizes their young demographic from using it, it is no longer the “cool kid” corner of the internet, which further removes the reason why other people would want to pay for it.

    Imagine I’m a hypothetical Reddit user under the new model - what would be my incentive to pay them for the privilege of posting links, quality text posts, my girlfriends tits, or anything else for that matter?

    • Queens113
      76 months ago

      If you’re on Android, download boost for reddit (best app for reddit if you ask me). Create a random sub and become a mod, sign into boost and profit… Full access to an app thats not reddits BS app with NSFW…

        • Queens113
          16 months ago

          Did you do the ReVanced “mod”? I did and it was working fine for a while … Then I got a new phone and the “mod” didn’t work. So I did a clean install of boost and created a subreddit who I’m the Mod of and it let me log in immediately