China has 1 timezone over a region where more than 5 exist. If this big timezone can work for one country it can work for all countries. World wide Chinese time.
Eastern time with permanent DST for the americas, Chinese time for the the rest. That way you have 2 timezones, 12 hours apart, based off the most popular time zones for those hemispheres.
China has 1 timezone over a region where more than 5 exist. If this big timezone can work for one country it can work for all countries. World wide Chinese time.
I like my idea better, same number of timezones but defined by lattitude instead of longitude
One time zone for all, and we make it decimal.
Eastern time with permanent DST for the americas, Chinese time for the the rest. That way you have 2 timezones, 12 hours apart, based off the most popular time zones for those hemispheres.