• @sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.ml
    171 year ago

    That is the slogan that 1930s Fascist used to gain power and it relies heavily on the false similarity from the strawman Marxism that has nothing to do with real-life Communism and the Liberal self-contradictions which allow many different interpretation of Liberalism.

  • @lil_tank@lemmygrad.ml
    111 year ago

    The dichotomy is between class society and classless society, so no there is no ternary possibly it’s literally “class = true/false”. I guess if they understood Marxism they wouldn’t try to rehabilitate fascism.

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik
    1 year ago

    Quality centrism, I presume?

    I am pretty sure that ‘heritage’ makes profit and ‘history’ pays dividends even under actually existing capitalism, otherwise the genealogy services, the historical reenactments, the musea, white literature like the ‘Politically Incorrect Guides’ (just to name one obvious example), European trinkets and so forth, would all be extremely difficult—if at all possible—to find.

    So I think that the real problem here is that blatantly racist crap doesn’t sell as well in the current market as neoliberalism’s subtler and more passive–aggressive style of white supremacy, making the white petite‐bourgeoisie resent their corporate competitors even more.

    Build nothing, rent everything.

    What the hell does that mean?

    Money must be made from modern serfs, by useless lords.

    Sounds like the history of mediaeval Europe wasn’t all that great, then. (A neofascist could try to patch this up with the excuse that the ‘master race’ was under the ownership of a ‘Jewish’ upper class, but that would only open up more questions. Such is the incoherency of neofascist philosophy.)

    Forget national unity, all that matters is the willingness to work like slaves for scraps.

    Or, in the case of the Axis, for scraps and the war economy, for which ‘national unity’ (between white gentiles) proved useful in sustaining. Money must be made from modern serfs, by useless lords, in the interest of securing and expanding Fascist capital throughout the continent, as well as anticommunism more generally.

    Neofascists are not anticapitalist in any meaningful way.

  • @SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
    81 year ago

    Where did this idea that communism rejects culture? Because I don’t recall seeing evidence of communist countries criminalizing people being different. People seem to correlate Nationalism with one liking their culture in a normal way (food, music, clothing, language, etc.) so when the rejection of Nationalism is present than that means the rejection of one’s culture and even their personality, which is weird but critical thinking is a skill to be taught rather than being a biological thing…

    • Marxist Jo 🏳️‍⚧️
      101 year ago

      and the other thing is that most people saying this are from the west, which has very little culture other than imperialism. Think of the USA: fast food, suburbs, cars, disney, etc… The only reason these people feel so sentimental for their percieved culture is because they’ve been trained to “enjoy” it their whole lives. while not realising while they always feel stressed and unmotivated.

  • @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
    51 year ago

    one of these things embraces cultural subdivisions and is multilingual while the other wants to eradicate the lesser races and enslave whats left.

    • JoeMarx 193OP
      51 year ago

      Ah yes. KKKapitalism. No amount of rainbows and SJ will undo its evil.