Also, the notion that good service gets you good tips has been thoroughly debunked by numerous studies. Corrected for other factors, the amount you get for tips is essentially random and not at all correlated with service quality. And not corrected for other factors like the real world is? Tips are correlated with your ethnicity, gender, dress, makeup and hair style, and how attractive you look in general. So not to be melodramatic, but tipping is literally the enablement of systematic discrimination.
Also, the notion that good service gets you good tips has been thoroughly debunked by numerous studies. Corrected for other factors, the amount you get for tips is essentially random and not at all correlated with service quality. And not corrected for other factors like the real world is? Tips are correlated with your ethnicity, gender, dress, makeup and hair style, and how attractive you look in general. So not to be melodramatic, but tipping is literally the enablement of systematic discrimination.