• @Omega_Haxors
    7 months ago

    Scream it as loud as you can: Zionism goes against the core values of Judaism. Conflating the two is fascist propaganda and this is proof of it.

    • @masquenox
      47 months ago

      Christian Zionism predates Jewish Zionism - and it has always been antisemitic to the core.

      Israel is a kapo state for the west - that’s why all the countries that are Israel’s traditional enablers also happen to be countries with deep histories of white supremacism, antisemitism and colonialism.

    • Dieguito 🦝
      37 months ago

      Agree to disagree. The old testament is full of YHWH-approved genocides, just a few examples here. It’s not fascism, it’s just religion. It’s part of their culture and not much different from other middle eastern traditions. Which deserve to be studied, understood and respected before frowning upon them with superiority as if in the west we’re enlightened because we have laicism (which we do not even have).

      • @masquenox
        77 months ago

        Blaming texts that was written thousands of years ago for modern day realpolitik is about as delusional as it gets.

        • @TexMexBazooka@lemm.ee
          57 months ago

          I agree. Sadly there’s a whole bunch of people that take those texts just real fuckin serious, and they’re the ones causing a lot of these problems

          • @masquenox
            07 months ago

            Sadly there’s a whole bunch of people that take those texts just real fuckin serious

            Not really… they just pretend to to justify their power and privilege. You’ll find just as many narratives in the old testament that subverts the ones the settler-colonialists are using - for instance, the (supposed) ill treatment of the Hebrews by the Egyptian Pharoah isn’t half as terrible as what Israel is subjecting Palestinians to.

        • @Omega_Haxors
          7 months ago

          Yes that is in fact true, however, you, fool, have failed to consider the following:

          [bass boosted while tipping fedora] R E L I G I O N _ B A D (woooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh~)

          FR though, jokes aside 90% of atheists I see on the internet are just reactionaries who buy into bigotry if someone cloaks it in logic.

          • @masquenox
            27 months ago

            FR though, jokes aside 90% of atheists I see on the internet are just reactionaries

            I’d say 90% is still being generous.

        • Dieguito 🦝
          27 months ago

          I’m delusional for telling that ancient texts should “respected studied and understood” (as a culture with 5 millennia of history deserves). What would I have been if I had told that the books should be burned and the culture annihilated. To study a text, in my language, implies to put it in the proper context. And my argument was that the roots of today’s mentality are ancient.

          • @masquenox
            37 months ago

            I’m delusional for telling that ancient texts should “respected studied and understood”

            Study and understand them as much as you want… but if you are trying to whitesplain away western-backed settler-colonialism by using these ancient texts as a prop you are either delusional or a propagandist.