• darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Reminder that “leftists” are pawns of the western imperialist machine.

    No left unity, only Marxist unity. No unity with running dogs of imperialism. Go look at any non-Marxist, explicitly “leftist” space and their takes on the CIA, US aggression, Russia, Ukraine, China, muh atrocity propaganda and they’re all hallucinating off the mind drugs that they can voooooote in socialism which to many of them just means free healthcare and a good job.

    Can they become Marxist is the actual question because that is the only thing that will lead to real material gains for the working class internally and externally, the only thing which will put an end to the monstrous imperialist machinery and to western capital, the American/trans-Atlantic bourgeoisie themselves. If the US was swept by some anti-marxist, broad “leftist” movement I would predict any ‘revolution’ to come out of it would be sabotaged from within and not even by paid agents but by ignorant radical liberals who have an interest against the working class abroad and even much of it at home or at any rate leave the imperialist apparatus intact and replicate the conditions that presently exist. I would not even be shocked if the CIA were to try and create a false revolution if things get out of hand beyond their normal abilities to control to try and fool and placate the western proletariat into thinking they’ve won and to preserve the power of capital and western, racist, white hegemony.

    • supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      This, the first test is anti-imperialism and most “leftists” in the west not only fail the test, they do it with vigor and pleasure.