Hello everyone!

I’m ChosonAdmin, the administrator for ChosonClip (A PeerTube instance for content related to the DPRK). As I want to expand the presence of Juche and other leftist/ML ideologies on the Fediverse, I decided to setup a Akkoma instance called “ChosonSocial”.

Although this is not a Mastodon instance, it can communicate with Mastodon servers and the rest of the Fediverse. Chosonsocial runs on a software suite called “Akkoma”, which is forked from Pleroma and is supposed to run at the speed and performance of Chollima.

ChosonSocial is not perfectly up and running yet. It still lacks emails (which I’ll get setup this upcoming week), UI tweaks and especially the rules.

ChosonSocial will not be as “liberal” as ChosonClip. One of the most important rules will be the ban on spewing misinformation on Juche and the DPRK. Posting content from grifters like Yeonmi Park will lead to a ban. Also posting unverified information will get you warned. If the DPRK-related information you want to post isn’t verified by DPRK state media, think about posting twice.

The most important task for me will be keeping the federation between Mastodon.social, Mastodon.online and the other large Fediverse servers up. I’d really appreciate ChosonSocial users to contribute to that. While I’ll tolerate the large ones, right-wing Fediverse servers will be not tolerated and will be defederated by ChosonSocial.

Nonetheless, I welcome all of you to join ChosonSocial soon!