• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    2 years ago

    Yet somehow all these things are still being done in Europe right now, with ships full of energy sitting just outside of the harbours because gas storage is full and the price is too low to sell it profitably.

    These ships full of energy are sitting there because there aren’t enough terminals to unload them. Meanwhile, the gas storage that’s full is meant to supplement pipeline flow as opposed to replace it. Once again, I have to wonder whether you don’t know these things, being the Europe expert that you are, or you’re just intentionally misrepresenting things to fit your narrative.

    Most of these things don’t need “lots of cheap” energy anyways, they do perfectly fine with regularly priced energy which is sufficiently available for those things that are really needed and not just driving excessive profits for a few major capitalists.

    [citation needed]

    But true enough, without lots of cheap energy, suppressing labour costs and manipulating your currency downwards, you can’t massively out-compete everyone else, which is what Germany is famous for and which only one country has recently surpassed them in, namely China.

    An interesting non sequitur to use there. I was discussing energy costs while you casually threw in labour suppression. I never expect any intellectual honesty from you, but wow.

    You do realize how ridiculous your entire argument sounds coming from someone claiming to be a communist?

    I do realize that the straw man you’re fighting is indeed ridiculous, it has little to do with the actual argument I’m making. Maybe try engaging the actual argument being made instead of clowning around and throwing cheap insults.