The surveillance state in one sentence

You are guilty until you prove otherwise by every part of your private life being surveiled. If you have any issue with this that is just proof of your guilt. What would you have to hide otherwise?

  • Zerush
    2 years ago

    It is true that the biggest privacy gap in computing is the user himself. Many people do not realize that the lack of privacy on the Internet is also a synonym of a lack of security.

    Apart from the fact that we do not see a cent of the money from the sale of our data to third parties, we lack any control over how these companies, that buy our data, treat it and how it protects it. It is not the first time that sensitive data of hundreds of thousands of users has been leaked, including medical and banking data.

    I get goosebumps when I see how people happily carry out bank transactions with the most insecure devices that exist, which are smartphones, or post these gossips on social networks even when they go on vacation to their hundreds of “friends” on these networks. , on top in a McDonalds WiFi network.

    Surveillance advertising, apart from a lack of respect for the user and a clear violation of basic rights, is an extremely dangerous practice for the user. No private company has the right to track our network activities and data without a prior court order, nor does the government itself have the right if not to be considered a dictatorship in a banana republic. For companies, there are many other methods of creating income that are not based on using our private data as merchandise.

    For Exmpl. why I use for sharing images and not Imgur