Some people are still kept there even decades after becoming adults.

Special fuck-you to state rep Jeffrey Sanchez

Massachusetts state Representative Jeffrey Sanchez, whose nephew, Brandon, has been detained at the JRC since 1992, is a major proponent of the JRC and their practices. Sanchez has repeatedly blocked the passage of legislation that would threaten the center.

  • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
    1 year ago

    Decades and decades of torturing hundreds (thousands?) of people based on a fascistic ideology of forcing neurodivergent people to conform to American normalcy.

    FDA in 2014: Let’s form a committee to determine if using cattle prod-like devices 16x times more powerful than a stun gun on autistic people could use “”“”“”“”“”“”““increased regulation””“”“”“”“”“”“”!

    …(Years and years pass of irreversible physical and psychological damage to hundreds of people)…

    FDA in 2020: Okay, stop using your psyche-annihilating electric pain torture device for torture. You can use “”““electrical stimulation devices””“” for other things though!

    D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, 2021: Ummm, actually, you aren’t allowed to issue a partial ban on a medical device. You can either completely ban it or not ban it at all. Respect our holy procedures! The grand institution has spoken! Anyway, you can get back to torturing now.

    It took another year for them to amend the law to let them actually ban the device like this.

    What they should be doing and should have done back when this device was first created:
