Honestly I am very apprehensive about clicking threads in the “main” subreddits that involve China or Russia somehow. Like, it could be about something innocuous but because it takes place in one of those countries it’s 100% guaranteed to have a bunch of libs in the comments saying horrifically xenophobic shit.
There was even a channel I would sometimes watch on youtube that posted videos of wild animals in his neighborhood, but because he lived in Russia, shortly after the war started people were commenting stuff like “fuck Putin,” “slava ukraini,” calling him an orc, etc. and he had to disable comments. I hate it
Have an Asian person next to their pet dog in one of the subs and you’ll see a few comments about you-know-what lol.
As for the main “China” subreddit, you can tell it’s mainly infested by white westerners and gusanos when one of their mods actually said that not enough were slaughtered in Nanking on the fucking anniversary of the massacre.
No point in being “one of the good ones” because as we see the supposed lib tolerance disappear, they so happily call for camps and extermination of their “enemies”.
I watch this arts and craft lady on YouTube who is very obviously Russian. All the tools and materials in her videos always had Cyrillic writing on them and for some time it even said that she’s from Russia in her profile. After the war started she must have gotten lots of hate, because now she makes sure to not show any of the writing on her materials and her channel page now shows United States…
Honestly I am very apprehensive about clicking threads in the “main” subreddits that involve China or Russia somehow. Like, it could be about something innocuous but because it takes place in one of those countries it’s 100% guaranteed to have a bunch of libs in the comments saying horrifically xenophobic shit.
There was even a channel I would sometimes watch on youtube that posted videos of wild animals in his neighborhood, but because he lived in Russia, shortly after the war started people were commenting stuff like “fuck Putin,” “slava ukraini,” calling him an orc, etc. and he had to disable comments. I hate it
Have an Asian person next to their pet dog in one of the subs and you’ll see a few comments about you-know-what lol.
As for the main “China” subreddit, you can tell it’s mainly infested by white westerners and gusanos when one of their mods actually said that not enough were slaughtered in Nanking on the fucking anniversary of the massacre.
No point in being “one of the good ones” because as we see the supposed lib tolerance disappear, they so happily call for camps and extermination of their “enemies”.
I watch this arts and craft lady on YouTube who is very obviously Russian. All the tools and materials in her videos always had Cyrillic writing on them and for some time it even said that she’s from Russia in her profile. After the war started she must have gotten lots of hate, because now she makes sure to not show any of the writing on her materials and her channel page now shows United States…