A chairdre! Time for another discussion on Transgender Marxism!

The PDF is here - https://transreads.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021-07-15_60f0b3d5edcb7_jules-joanne-gleeson-transgender-marxism-1.pdf

The intro discussion with links to all other essay discussions is here - https://lemmygrad.ml/post/395378

Today’s essay is Notes From Brazil by Virgínia Guitzel.

Virgínia Guitzel is a working-class philosophy student at the Federal University of ABC, and a Member of the Movimento Revolucionário de Trabalhadores (MRT), which is the Brazilian section of the Fração Trotskista – Quarta Internacional. She is a participant in the Women’s group Pão e Rosas, which worked in the front line struggling for legal abortion in Argentina.

Feel free to join in the discussion, add your thoughts, comments, questions. I hope we are all able to learn something today <3

Edit: the discussion continues with the next essay, by Kate Doyle Griffiths, here - https://lemmygrad.ml/post/414322

  • Seanchaí (she/her)OPM
    32 years ago

    Probably won’t have that much to say on this one, I’m not deeply informed on what’s going on with queer people in Brazil.

    • Seanchaí (she/her)OPM
      32 years ago

      “At his inauguration, Jair Bolsonaro hailed Brazil’s ‘liberation from socialism, the inversion of values, the bloated state and political correctness’, promising to ‘unite the people, rescue the family, respect religions and our Judeo-Christian tradition, combat gender ideology, and [conserve] our values.’”

      Bolsonaro is, of course, trash. He’s been launching a directed attack on Indigenous communities and absolutely ravaging the Amazon. Pretty gross to see him call Brazil a place of “Judeo-Christian tradition.”

      • Seanchaí (she/her)OPM
        42 years ago

        “Brazil has the highest rate of murder of trans people in the world. The average age of the victims is 26. The life expectancy for trans people is just 35.”

        This is bleak. Absolutely heartbreaking.

        • Seanchaí (she/her)OPM
          32 years ago

          “The claim that ‘gender ideology’ was being imposed on children and youths in schools by the left circulated widely in sensationalist media and WhatsApp groups during the last presidential campaign.”

          This is a really common thread the past decade in governments the world over.

          As capitalism is reaching its crisis point, a fervent demand for a re-establishment of the nuclear family (a tool created to destroy solidarity and prop up the labour market through discrete units of debt-accruing, self-reproducing workers) becomes a focal point for capitalists. Nuclear families have been essential, as we’ve seen, not only as a way to reproduce the work force, but also as a means of socially reproducing the individualistic values necessary for capitalism to thrive and for resistance to capitalism to falter.

          • Seanchaí (she/her)OPM
            32 years ago

            “While credited as a religious reformer with a modern perspective, Pope Francis has in fact used his position to uphold the clergy’s aggressive stance towards trans people.”

            This one kills me. I was once told that Francis was “finally a good pope” and he was “progressive” but, uh…the wealth of the Vatican, its refusal to allow sexual predators to be held to account, and even a cursory glance at the things he’s actually said can show you how false that is.

            • Seanchaí (she/her)OPM
              32 years ago

              “He peppered the rest of the decade with denunciations of transgender people, culminating in 2019s document Male and Female He Created Them, which reaffirmed the Church’s anti-trans stance, and also mandated surgeries on children born with ambiguous genitals.”

              Okay. So trans people are wrong because God made us male or female. However the violent application of uninformed and nonconsenting sex surgery on intersex people is right because…what? God fucked up?

              • Seanchaí (she/her)OPM
                32 years ago

                “Bolsonaro is the standard-bearer for the most hateful, reactionary forces in Brazil. During the elections, his rhetoric whipped up a feverish climate of hate that encouraged the murder of Mestre Moa do Katende, an important capoeira master and a tireless activist against racism. The campaign also coincided with the murder of two trans women. He is well known for controversial statements such as telling a woman member of Congress: ‘I won’t rape you because you’re too ugly’, and ‘I’d rather have my son die in a car accident than dating another man’”

                You can fill books with the terrible shit this guy has said and done. He’s currently caught up in a child sex trafficking scandal, because in a recent address he talked about having “chemistry” with fourteen year old girls and following them into a bawdy house full of teenaged sex trafficking victims.

                • Seanchaí (she/her)OPM
                  42 years ago

                  “After his election victory, femicides and transfeminicides have increased exponentially. Perhaps the most brutal was the murder of Quelly da Silva, whose heart was torn from her chest.”

                  Jesus. Fucking. Christ.