I am expecting a lot of Disco Elysium, here…and nothing wrong with that!

A video gaming student organization I was once part of actually had a vote on their favorite sayings. The winner was the evergreen “Perhaps the same said could be said of all religions…” from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMTizJemHO8

Later we had a second voting, which decided on the cult classic Trio the Punch’s “BAD CHOICE”! https://youtu.be/rIPtzZHJnkg?t=454

My personal favorite? It’s hard to say…but hey, that’s what the scientist in Half-Life can comment, word to word! So maybe I’ll put forward, said by the aforementioned: “My god, what are doing!?”

Tl;dr: Check title.

  • Bartsbigbugbag
    1 year ago

    Citizen Sleeper - Eshe

    “Let me tell you something, Sleeper,” Eshe says, her rage hardening into pain. “When people become administrators, they give up something. Some part of being human, being an equal among others, goes away. They start talking about the greater good, the systems, the ways in which their hands are tied, or their processes compromised.”
    “Mu mother was the administrator of Hawthorn, and I have seen what it did to her. That noble, higher calling, it is toxic. People should never have the chance to decide the fate of others. And those that do, do so at a cost to their humanity.”

    Text copied by machine from a screenshot, sorry for any errors.

    There’s more to this conversation that I love too, but it didn’t start hitting me how unique this was to find in a game until I was most of the way through, so I only caught this part to save.