I had the same reaction to Narcos, you see twenty people get hosed down with a TEC-9 at a stoplight and you start to kind of expect it to happen to you.
To my surprise, I was sort of like “well, what the hell else am I gonna do?” and it was calming.
Having learned this lets me quickly resolve thoughts of “what if I die” or “what if this person who is important to me dies” because I can reasonably predict whether that death will happen soon.
I had the same reaction to Narcos, you see twenty people get hosed down with a TEC-9 at a stoplight and you start to kind of expect it to happen to you.
To my surprise, I was sort of like “well, what the hell else am I gonna do?” and it was calming.
Essentially nobody under the age of 50 dies, especially in the western world: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/number-of-deaths-by-age-group?stackMode=relative&country=OWID_WRL~European+Region+(WHO)
Having learned this lets me quickly resolve thoughts of “what if I die” or “what if this person who is important to me dies” because I can reasonably predict whether that death will happen soon.