Whenever I hear the ubereats/doordash/skip the dishes tablet chime go off at random restaurants I jump a little. Even when I wasn’t working in food service I’d hear it go off and start thinking I had to get on that. I have a feeling that’s never going to leave me
Whenever I hear the ubereats/doordash/skip the dishes tablet chime go off at random restaurants I jump a little. Even when I wasn’t working in food service I’d hear it go off and start thinking I had to get on that. I have a feeling that’s never going to leave me
Me when the TurboChef goes off.
I’m pretty sure I got further radicalized just by reading the petty tyrant bullshit on the Doordarsh subreddit from customers.
Not sure how anybody who does that job doesn’t deliver every meal at high velocity directly at the customer’s face.