BERLIN, Sept 18 (Reuters) - Germany is likely to generate more than 50% of its power from renewable energy this year but needs to ramp up the speed of its transition towards the end of the decade, Economy Minister Robert Habeck said on Monday.

    1 year ago

    Interesting idea. Have you already asked any single country going for nuclear power instead, that indeed are the ones not actually having a plan (they plan/build too few reactors to ever cover the minimum base load, some are even lacking the complementing renewables, too), why they don’t want to reach zero co2 emissions ever.

    Yeah, wait. That’s not fitting the narrative so we will ignore the math (~35% minimum base load, rising demand of at least a factor of 2,5 until 2050… so if you don’t build at the very least enough capacities to cover at least 80% of today’s total demand you don’t actually have any plan beyond burning fossil fuels or importing from other countries that actually had a working plan).