• linzilla
    2 years ago

    This pipeline is not the only energy source of Europe, and was already temporarly suspended that made politicians reshuffle the energy policies. Also, how could one energy source cause the energy crises of the whole continent? So, it is clear that the whole argument is based on false basis.

    To add to that, in its analyses it treats EU economy as it is isolated from the whole world at a time when everything around goes just fine. Nothing could be further from the truth! The US economy is in downturn and the inflation is out of controll, and everywhere in the world, due to the covid recovery spendings of the governments. So, current economic slowdown is basically imported in the EU. Now, it is sold by the newspapers as EU energy crises. The same happened in 2008 in the financial crises that was solved in the US by repackaging their junk bonds and selling them to Europe… From this point of view the authors whole argument seems to be fundentally flawed, spreading false rumors and baseless doomsday scenarios for Europe

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      2 years ago

      The pipeline is a major part of European energy supply and after six months of reshuffling energy policies no practical alternatives have been found. This is why Europe is currently in an energy crisis.

      Meanwhile, Europe not being isolated from the world is a problem for Europe here. Energy input costs in Europe are far higher than in Asia, and likely to stay that way in the foreseeable future. This means that European industry which is currently shutting down is moving to Asia, and it’s never coming back. This will result in mass unemployment in Europe.