It’s been a few years and Votan’s minimap is popping out lua errors.

  • @inmorteveritas
    22 years ago

    I installed minion to held my add-ons updated. Because of that active add-ons, which are stady updated, will work without lua errors. Mostly

    • [C]hicken [G]odOP
      12 years ago

      I have been using minion. I’ve went as far as deleting previous addons and reinstall just votans minimap. While I don’t get any errora anymore, none of the addons or libraries are listed.

      Does it matter that I am running on steam Linux?

      • @inmorteveritas
        11 year ago

        I am not quite sure. I had a lot of issues after the last patch, so I have to reinstall all my add-ons. Mostly addons which are changing the UI like the inventory or so on are very tricky, I suppose. So I deleted Dark UI and all add-ons changing the occurrence of my inventory. This solved my problems. On Windows 10 and MacOS.

  • @sabotage
    111 months ago

    Minion development stalled last I checked. Vortex with the Elder Scrolls UI Mod is the new way forward for automatic mod updates. What’s great about it is how it grabs dependencies automatically. I’ve only used the Elder Scrolls Online mods with it. Please post if you find it helpful for other ES games. I might finally try Skyrim. [ ](Elder Scrolls UI) [](Vortex Mod Manager)