Gerade ist auf die Empfehlung hin, sich statt Reddit doch mal Lemmy anzusehen die Frage aufgetaucht, ob denn Lemmy in beide Richtungen föderiert… Dass Communities von Lemmy in Friendica abonniert, mit neuen Beiträgen versehen, Kommentiert up/downgevotet werden kann finde ich wirklich großartig. Und ich möcht mich an dieser Stelle noch einmal sehr herzlich bedanken, dass ihr Devs das möglich gemacht habt.
Aber auf die aktuelle Frage hin hab ich es jetzt umgekehrt ausprobiert… ein Friendica-Forum in Lemmy abonniert. Suchen und Abonnieren klappt.
Aber die Beiträge werden nicht ausgetauscht. Erstelle ich in Lemmy einen Beitrag, sehe ich im Friendica.log folgendes:
# tail -F /var/log/friendica.log |grep
2022-08-08T10:51:55Z index [INFO]: Set inbox status to success {"inbox":""} - {"file":"APContact.php","line":520,"function":"unmarkForArchival","uid":"9b9f1e","process_id":207302}
2022-08-08T10:51:55Z index [INFO]: Set shared inbox status to success {"sharedinbox":""} - {"file":"APContact.php","line":524,"function":"unmarkForArchival","uid":"9b9f1e","process_id":207302}
2022-08-08T10:51:55Z index [INFO]: Taking key from id {"id":""} - {"file":"HTTPSignature.php","line":701,"function":"fetchKey","uid":"9b9f1e","process_id":207302}
2022-08-08T10:51:55Z index [INFO]: Valid HTTP signature {"signer":""} - {"file":"Receiver.php","line":123,"function":"processInbox","uid":"9b9f1e","process_id":207302}
2022-08-08T10:51:55Z index [INFO]: Message for user 0 is from actor [url=][/url] [] - {"file":"Receiver.php","line":128,"function":"processInbox","uid":"9b9f1e","process_id":207302}
2022-08-08T10:51:55Z index [INFO]: Got actor and followers {"actor":"","followers":""} - {"file":"Receiver.php","line":1028,"function":"getReceivers","uid":"9b9f1e","process_id":207302}
2022-08-08T10:51:55Z index [INFO]: Got actor and followers {"actor":"","followers":""} - {"file":"Receiver.php","line":1028,"function":"getReceivers","uid":"9b9f1e","process_id":207302}
2022-08-08T10:51:55Z index [INFO]: Using original object for url [url=][/url] [] - {"file":"Receiver.php","line":1332,"function":"fetchObject","uid":"9b9f1e","process_id":207302}
2022-08-08T10:51:55Z index [INFO]: Got actor and followers {"actor":"","followers":""} - {"file":"Receiver.php","line":1028,"function":"getReceivers","uid":"9b9f1e","process_id":207302}
2022-08-08T10:51:55Z index [INFO]: Processing as:Create as:Page [url=][/url] [] - {"file":"Receiver.php","line":480,"function":"prepareObjectData","uid":"9b9f1e","process_id":207302}
2022-08-08T10:51:55Z index [INFO]: Top-level post without mention is deleted. {"uri":"","0":11,"id":3385387,"uri-id":3314173,"guid":"ea620d1e-39935e2356c4426d-6cd770ab"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":2074,"function":"tagDeliver","uid":"9b9f1e","process_id":207302}
2022-08-08T10:51:55Z index [NOTICE]: Item insertion aborted {"uri":"","uid":11} - {"file":"Processor.php","line":1070,"function":"postItem","uid":"9b9f1e","process_id":207302}
Auf Lemmy sehe ich das:
lemmy_1 | 2022-08-08T10:51:55.422093Z INFO Websocket Request{trace_id=00000000000000000000000000000000}:perform{self=CreatePost { name: "noch ein test", community_id: CommunityId(2179), url: None, body: Some("noch ein test von lemmy"), honeypot: None, nsfw: Some(false), auth: Sensitive }}:send:send_activity_in_community:send_lemmy_activity: lemmy_apub::activities: Sending activity [url=][/url]
lemmy_1 | 2022-08-08T10:51:55.426711Z INFO Websocket Request{trace_id=00000000000000000000000000000000}:perform{self=CreatePost { name: "noch ein test", community_id: CommunityId(2179), url: None, body: Some("noch ein test von lemmy"), honeypot: None, nsfw: Some(false), auth: Sensitive }}:send:send_activity_in_community:send_lemmy_activity: lemmy_apub_lib::activity_queue: Activity queue stats: pending: 0, running: 1, dead (this hour): 0, complete (this hour): 1
lemmy_1 | 2022-08-08T10:51:55.431188Z INFO lemmy_apub_lib::activity_queue: Sending [url=][/url] to [url=][/url]
Auf welcher Seite passt da etwas nicht? Schickt Lemmy was falsches, oder versteht friendica Lemmy nicht? Wo soll ich den Bugreport erstellen?
Hello, I commented this post from Lemmy and indeed it has not appeared here on Nerdica. However, I also commented a old post of mine and in that case I got the answer right away here.
Had to hand-fetch to see this on, what about this answer?
@liwott @Liwott I can see your posts. 5 of them, here on my friendica-accounr, where i’m answering from.