I was thinking about how 16 year olds in England are full adults, the idea that teens can decide their own medical care and move out without parental consent sounds amazing and could have honestly saved the lives of some kids I went to high school with. letting 16 teen year olds vote too makes sense since the obviously have a stake in the future more so than older people I would say. On the other hand the idea of 16 year olds binge drinking and being with older adults, and god forbid getting married to adults turns my stomach. I know we have some users from England so I am curious to hear your thoughts. I guess my instinct is to stagger everything at the appropriate ages. honestly sometimes i think 18 is too young to get married lol.

    • D61 [any]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      An addendum to this is “can you be held financially responsible”. As in, if a 12 year old wrecks a car or beaks windows out of an empty building, who is considered “responsible for the costs to repair/replace?”

      Parents are the adults because its expected that they would have an ability to pay for damages while a kid isn’t likely to have an income to pay for anything. So when you turn 18 and do something where you owe money, they come after you first with the expectation of repayment instead of your previous guardians.

  • SootySootySoot [any]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    In England, you cannot buy alcohol unless you are 18 or over. But otherwise yep, age of consent is 16, and it doesn’t seem to cause any major issues.

    It is actually legal here for anyone 5 or over to consume alcohol, so long as they didn’t buy it.

  • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.netM
    1 year ago

    I think we should be tying things to net worth. If you have a net worth of a million dollars, you have to do the things you don’t want to do, and you’re no longer allowed to do the things you want to do.

    If you’re rich, you’re not allowed to vote, get married, or drink alcohol, but you do get drafted and have to pay taxes.

  • MF_COOM [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    IDK I think as long as you institute a “half your age plus seven” rule most stuff could be a lot earlier. Historically many different cultures had rituals that made youth equals in the tribe much earlier than we do, and I genuinely think a lot of the antisocial behaviour we see in youth in the west is because they’re systematically infantalized.

    I guess the factor working against this is we now have much more potent ways to ruin your (and other people’s) life, like cars, plentiful alcohol, drugs, tobacco, firearms, gambling, high-charged pornography, credit cards, etc, and we may hope that responsible use scales somewhat with brain development.

    So, I’d suggest the following (assuming no greater changes in society and this is the only lever of change)

    Voting: 14
    Generation emancipation: 16
    Driving: 16 (but it should be much harder to get your licence)
    Gambling: 25
    Recreational drugs: sliding scale starting at 16 depending on the severity up to 25, with highly addictive drugs by prescription only
    Firearms for hunting: 16 (and like driving it should be hard to get a licence)
    Firearms for anything else: 200
    Smoking: legal to grow at any age but selling it should be banned
    Access to sex work: geez IDK honestly how to think about this one
    Sex work: 18 is probably ok - heavy restrictions here often just give reasons for police to terrorize sex workers so it’s complicated
    R-rated movies: 14
    Owning a credit card: not until you earn 125% of a living wage
    Military service: this is a loaded one lol I’m not touching that one

    IDK those are my first thoughts

  • vertexarray [any]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    I don’t have an opinion on specific ages but I think more granularity is better, like sex and mariage should have different ages, beer and hard liqour should have diferent ages like how they do it in germany, cars should probably have weight classes like motorboats do in canada, etc.

    being introduced first to the lowest-stakes version of something seems like the optimal way to go about it since some of these things are matters of life and death.strictly a vibes-based opinion on my part tho

  • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]@hexbear.netM
    1 year ago

    16 is good for voting, why not? and it helps trans ppl and others who need earlier independence. i dont think its right for ppl younger than 16 to work tho (sadly many teens have to work to help their families). when it comes to drugs im a bit of an ebil authoritarian in that i dont think recreational drugs of any kind should be used before 18 or 20 (but the way it’s enforced currently is ineffective and cruel). but for age of consent, it should be a sliding scale thing (16 year olds cant consent to ppl over 18, 18 year olds cant consent to ppl over 21, 21 year olds cant consent to ppl over 25, 25+ is a free for all)

  • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    16-21 for different things. 16 should be an adult in the sense of being able to own their own shit. Sex with people within their age range should be legal to prevent weird situations like teens being charged for cp because they sexted with their partners because they were both underaged (16 and 17). 18 for full sexual age of consent.

    18 should be old enough to drink and drive, but not at the same time lol. Giving kids independence to get used to before letting them drink is smart. Marriage shouldn’t be an option until 21 because marriage can be a trap (grew up very religious)

    • commiecapybara [he/him, e/em/eir]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      I agree with all of these. 16-20 should have Romeo and Juliet laws within reason, and laws against CSAM should be to protect minors from harm rather than punishing two teens the same age.

      In addition, I think legal emancipation for minors should be dealt with on a case-to-case basis: for instance the minor who wants to be emancipated is regularly attending school/college and is able to support themselves in some way. Ideally it would be in conjunction with state-funded social care, free housing, medical care, etc. so kids who were kicked out for being LGBTQ+ or who left home due to abuse wouldn’t end up homeless or trafficked.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    18 for adulthood. 21 is too old for some things, like only being allowed to go clubbing and drink at age 21? People that go to university straight out of high school would be almost graduated/in their final year of a three year degree by the time they get to 21. Half the fun of university is doing dumb shit while legally high or drunk from what I’ve heard. On the other side 16 is too young for some things. I don’t want 16 year olds to have full on driver’s licences or get married lol. So 18 is a good middle ground.

    • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]@hexbear.netOP
      1 year ago

      I don’t want 16 year olds to have full on driver’s licences

      in carmerica thats considered a restriction on their GOD GIVEN FREEDOM!! 🦅 🦅 🦅 🦅 plus how would the children drive themselves to the coal mines

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        1 year ago

        South Africa might just be the one country more car brained than the US, but even here you can only get your learners permit at 17, and a proper licence at 18, after a full on test in a manual car. (If you do the test in an automatic, your licence is restricted to auto only). Motorbike learners licenses start at 16 though. Sure these can all easily be bribed, but still. At least the laws exist.

          • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
            1 year ago

            Farms and tractors is different, since there’s a lot of private land and a low population density, you get literal kids driving pickup trucks, dirt bikes and farm equipment lol. Sometimes they even drive into town to pick up stuff. Knew someone in middle/high school that almost went to jail because they were driving on the highway near the farm and got caught.

            Bribery definitely causes a lot of problems though. Obviously it seems cool to get the police to fuck off if you get pulled over for a bs reason (em, “profiling”), but it’s really screwed up the transportation industry. See the minibus taxi mafia nonsense, no public transport, etc. Also leads to cops soliciting bribes, like they pull you over and don’t want to ticket you, they just want a bribe. Weather it’s cash, fast food or fizzy drinks. I’ve seen all three work as a bribe before. Hell even gas station pies can work, SA cops have no standards lol.

            I’ve tried to use more American friendly vocabulary here to make it easier to understand, before someone calls me a fake South African for using words like pickup truck and middle school.

            • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]@hexbear.netOP
              1 year ago

              what y’all call pickup trucks? I know you guys call traffic lights robots! You see Im a big of a south african expert myself The Color of Friendship was my favorite disney movie as a kid/ jk.

              • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
                1 year ago

                Pickup trucks are called Bakkies (lots of words from other languages like Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana, etc make it into our everyday English vocabulary), yes traffic lights are called robots, the elevator is a lift, and middle school doesn’t exist. You get primary school (grades 1-7) and high school (grades 8-12). In primary school you have the junior phase (1-3) and the senior phase (4-7). In high school the junior phase is grades 8 and 9, and 10-12 is the senior phase. In grade 10 you get to pick your own subjects and stuff.

                I’ve actually never watched the Colour of Friendship lol. From what I understand it’s a story about a white girl from apartheid South Africa living with a black family in the US? Is that right?

                Also edited my previous comment to add a bit about bribery.

                • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]@hexbear.netOP
                  1 year ago

                  Bakkies is a fun word! and yes thats the plot its not a good movie, but I loved it as a kid, i watched it probably a hundred times. the plot purely from memory is. a white south african student marhee goes to live with a black senators family in an exchange program. the senators kids are super exited to have a REAL AFRICAN living with them and are shocked and disappointment when this racist white girl shows up. marhee and piper (the oldest daughter) end up trying to talk out their differences to their parents so they dont have to admit they were wrong or something. Piper learns about how the south african government is evil to the point where they dont even let people watch black people on tv, or even touch black people, and white south africans are “brainwashed”. Marhee learns about the magic of integration and the american civil rights movement and that black people are not scary. all is well until Steve Biko died in prison (i think it was him, not a fictional character) and then Marhee almost get KIDNAPPED by the south african government until senator dad saves her. and then marhee the worlds mos ungrateful little shit says something like “maybe he was breaking the law or something” while piper is crying. a huge fight break out and FOR SOME REASON everyone forgives her in like a day. anf then stuff happens they are bffs forever and marhee goes to her servent back home and shows her some flag to show she supports the liberation movement and she sets a bird free, and then she goes BACK to AMERICA to fight against the apartheid with black americans. truly a wild ride

                  I, like the black main character, also did not think africa had white people, and was shocked and upset at the concept (my dream was to move “to africa” at that age and thought it would be a land free of white people.) and then I learned about apartheid and was upset all over again. the movie is super “we should all just love and respect each other guys, and you gotta be patient with white people” I like it as a kid because it was all about how cool American black people were lmao. seriously it has a real “racism is over in america” victory lap.

  • Comp4 [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    I got black out drunk a couple of times when I started drinking at the age of 16 but it did give me a proper respect for alcohol. These days I drink only about 3-5 beers a month at most. This is not to say you need to get wasted to start respecting alcohol but It did end up teaching me to only drink for the taste and not to drink for the purpose of getting drunk. Like a buzz is ok but I dont like actually being proper drunk.

  • Lerios [hy/hym]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    I think this sort of thing varies wildly with individual situations and the amount of support you have. The first time i remember having achohol was my mum giving me basically a whiteclaw when i was about 8, then very occassional drinks with family until i was like 14 and i started drinking with friends. Just video games and a few shots, nothing serious. I blacked out once before i was 18, and it was in a safe environment with friends i trusted and their parents in the house. When i got to university i knew my limits and how to drink socially and how to look after myself. Personally, i think the UK method of drinking age (5 to drink, 16 in pubs with a responsible adult, 18 for clubs etc) is pretty perfect. I know we do have a very unhealthy drinking culture in this country, but personally i think that comes from other factors and honestly i’ve never seen it myself, only read the numbers, despite coming from a very “bad” neighbourhood.

    When it comes to sexual age of consent, again anecdotally i saw a few kids in my school sleep around a little when they turned 16, and it seemed chill? Like, there was a lot more upset and lasting trouble caused by kids in school sleeping with each other (manipulating each other, disrupting educations, public slut shaming, suicide threats, etc) than there was from the few times that people slept with older people from tinder or whatever. Years later my friends still talk about their shitty bastard highschool boyfriends and how much that fucked them up, but the flings with older people don’t even get mentioned. I think one was brought up once as a joke. But i know we were all very lucky and my friends had strong support networks and people they could go to in need. As with the drinking thing, i didn’t see the bad end of it because people in my life had that support, safety, and confidence. Thats what we need to work on.

    Obviously i appreciate that that is very flimsy anecdotal evidence, but personally i think 16 as an age of consent (with proper education) is more or less fine and power is the problem. There is a massive difference between a teenager sleeping with a 20-something vs a teenager sleeping with a teacher/cop/etc. In my personal experience, a shitty 15 year old who has your nudes and knows all your friends is a lot more dangerous than a 25 year old you slept with once and forgot you.

    I do absolutely agree with you that the marriage age is too low though. Marriage is wayyy too permanent and is entering into a contract that gives someone massive power over you. I personally don’t think that should be an option until way later.

  • forcequit [she/her]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    medical/life choices/directions yeah sure 16, younger if meeting appropriate care and oversight guidelines.
    Vooting? Fuck it, sure, 15.
    Sex? Idk. 18-20 with similar rules as now (technically 16 for individual but within certain age range for partners), we’re gonna do it anyway but goddamn we’re so young and dumb at that age
    Drugs? 25. Hard stance. Let that frontal lobe really come into its own first.