It’s a breath of fresh air to actually be able to mock Trump with some teeth on it that isn’t brunchy le Drumpf bullshit or acting like Chicken Little in that the sky is coming down in Trump because he was rude to a journalist on twitter. We actually stand to lose a lot more in another 4 years of either Biden or Trump unlike the breakfast crowd of bougie lemmy liberals that think he’s a Marvel Comics villain.

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The level of stupid the average Lib needs in order to kickflip into loving O’Bummer and Brandon but hating Trump is off the charts. Trump also somehow embodies all the things liberals hate and fear, all at once (even if those feelings are contradictory) which is bizarre as fuck once you apply a 3rd grade level of logic to any of it. Like, for example, somehow Trump is the stupidest man on earth (covfefe, blow up hurricanes with nukes, etc.) yet he’s also a super smart deep state facist spy for Russia going back 20, 30, 40 years. Then in order to square that gap they make up shit like he’s so indoctrinated they hypnotized him into carrying out the Kremlin’s will.

    Libs, for fucksake, get a hold of yourselves.

    • Wheaties [she/her]
      1 year ago

      They need to see him as a villain, for his ascendancy to power to be a fluke or the result of cheating. The alternative is too much for them. The ultimate truth:

      Trump is the quintessential 21st century American president. A catty gameshow host, a silver-spoon socialite, an unrelenting narcissist. The guy who does petty cons and outright thefts to every lawyer, contractor, and business partner he’s ever had. If that isn’t true americana, nothing is. Sure, he belongs in a cell, but so does every other president…