• @GaussNoise
    14 years ago

    I believe we should be getting a first party TOML.jl package soon no? I think the devs still use the old patched one for the package manager.

    • @GiffenOP
      4 years ago

      TOML.jl will eventually be added to the standard library. The latest iteration of TOML.jl is in the official Julia Github org now (but not the General registry), and looks ready for use.

      • @GaussNoise
        14 years ago

        Fantastic. On a side note, what are you using for saving workspaces/data? JLD.jl and JLD2.jl are no longer being developed last I check. So I’ve been sticking with HDF5.jl however JLD2 had some nice and easy macros.

        • @GiffenOP
          24 years ago

          I don’t. But the last commit on JLD.jl was 3 months ago. Compare to 2 months ago for the last commit on HFD5.jl. For something like this I wouldn’t expect very frequent changes, so JLD seems alive. JLD2 is officially deprecated though.

          Why not Julia’s built-in serialization?

          • @GaussNoise
            24 years ago

            Ahhhh I thought both JLD and JLD2 were deprecated. I’ll take another look. But HDF5 has been fine so far so no complaints.

            I’ll have to take a look at serialization. But most of my data is use it for a paper and then archive. Which HDF5 does well, just curious what others were using.