Just curious what webhost everyone is using these days. At work we use AWS but it’s expensive. For side projects I use DigitalOcean and sometimes Vultr VPS’s.

    • @NerfOPM
      24 years ago

      I’ve never heard of ASO but after browsing their website they look neat. You’re right, a tad expensive but I imagine you’re paying extra for the customer service. Thanks for sharing!

  • @Hylia
    34 years ago

    I’ve been hosting locally and using cloudflare for dns. Of course it’s a lot more effort than using a cloud hosting service, so I don’t know if I’d recommend it if you don’t have a good reason. I think I’m just trying to justify the amount of computers I own lol

    • @NerfOPM
      44 years ago

      “but honey, that old desktop on the living room is running my blog, I can’t get rid of it!” - :rolling on the floor laughing:

  • @schwartz
    14 years ago

    I mostly make front-end only projects, which means I can host them for free with Nelify