It looks like people are having a really rough time lately, in the aims of improving the mental well-being of our comrades please consider this post an open forum to vent frustrations about whatever is bothering you.

If you’re currently having a hard go of it, remember that we here at the 'grad care about you.

  • Marxine
    1 year ago

    Currently on vacation, couldn’t enjoy any of it.

    1. The kid’s been lying to the whole family about using the (very expensive) medication for his skin condition. Also keeps lying about homework and just lazy around all day. We’re fed up with him.
    2. Partner has been jobless for months, no signs of getting any new job yet and money’s tight
    3. One of our cats got an inflammation on one of her teeth, and it’s gonna be expensive
    4. One of mom’s cat is in intensive care for possible hepatitis and pancreatitis. Also expensive as hell (and it comes from my pocket since mom needs financial help)
    5. Mom is in a very bad mental state after fighting with my sister and losing another of our cats earlier this year to diabetes. I worry constantly for her.
    6. I’m just a single ADHD person in my 30s having to care alone for a partner with depression, a mom with depression, lots of cats with 2 currently sick, and an ungrateful teen stepson.

    “Things are tiresome” is an understatement. And also, the job’s been annoying, but that’s the least of the current woes. To everyone also struggling, let’s stay strong together.

    • DankZedong
      1 year ago

      Sounds like you’re going through a rough period comrade. I don’t really know what to say about it. When I was down in the gutter, words like ‘it will get better’ lost their meaning pretty quickly, even though they turned out to be true.

      As a former ungrateful teen son myself, I’m sorry he’s putting you through all that. Speaking for myself, my behavior came from me going through a hard time myself with no way to vent, and that’s why I made things very hard for myself and my parents. I think that what I needed back then was being able to talk to my parents without judgement, as it would have saved me from a lot of trouble. Reaching out for me was very hard, but so was it for my parents as well. I hope you and your stepson can find a way to grow to eachother and help eachother through this difficult time.

      Feel free to vent over here. There will always be people listening.

      • Marxine
        1 year ago

        We already do therapy, both individually and together, and he has plenty of opportunity to talk with us. We encourage him to be constantly frank with us and we are frank with him. The fact we already provide those actually adds to the frustration since even then he doesn’t show progress (even his therapist is sorta annoyed already). But I know it’s something he has to outgrow on his own, for his own good.

        About the other stuff, yeah, what I can do is power on through and talk with friends and family, even if to just vent. Thanks for the sympathy ✨