Lost 1 million b/c I’m dumb
looks like you overstacked and didn’t spread out your invasion forces. Just as on D-Day, where there were many landing points across the north/west of France, you should plan an invasion that covers most of the American west coast. Normally when I play, I do so as Brazil (more fun, imo), and I usually prefer to buddy-buddy with Mexico and use them as a launching point for air invasion, you can get most of the US important cities from there, while also invading D.C. NYC, and Boston by navy. Another good tactic before invading, is blockading, force the enemy to run low on resources so they get disadvantages to your attacks
Yeah I deckwiped their navy but I byaccidently sent my garrison forces to the invasion and well the invasion force went from 5 to 68. Was using instant war, non core to core, random ai, and ai not joining factions during war mods.