In this video, we provide context LTT missed in their recent “Raytracing is Now Mandatory” video. We address three overly praised titles and discuss the real definition of optimization.

We then bridge the connection between profits and optimization and end the poor excuse regarding how optimization is too expensive to provide in modern development. We then address the real issues with AI and ray tracing and define the problems with corporate graphic solutions.

  • Gorb [they/them]
    1 day ago

    Oh i know about LTT’s shit if i ever saw Linus I’d rip off his ballsack little petite bourgeois scumbag he’s the archetype of all small family business owners who i hate with a divine passion. Also the fans of the channel are fanatics at this point and I’m pretty sure harrassed the vicitims of his companies abuse

    Its threat interactive seemingly getting banned from being mentioned everywhere that I was curious about.