These are the agents of strife incarnate. Sure, I too love to act as an agent of chaos and oddity and to challenge all that we know, but these are the people who dedicate their lives to causing problems on purpose. These are the people who revel in the confusion and pain of all around them. They argue not to find truth but to argue. They fight not to make a world they think is better but to find another fight.
I think you might be right. She may be one of Eris’s representatives in the current administration.
I mean, all hail Discordia, but this isn’t how I imagined it.
These are the agents of strife incarnate. Sure, I too love to act as an agent of chaos and oddity and to challenge all that we know, but these are the people who dedicate their lives to causing problems on purpose. These are the people who revel in the confusion and pain of all around them. They argue not to find truth but to argue. They fight not to make a world they think is better but to find another fight.